Chapter 17

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Author's Note: Hey guys!! I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, and I'm also really sorry that this is a shorter chapter. School's been kinda kicking my ass, but I'm gonna try to post again really soon! Love you all, and your support means so much to me <3

Alex's POV

After I had calmed down with Garcia's help, she brought me into her tech room to chill until Derek came back. Every now and again, I sniffled a little, but if she noticed, she didn't mention it. Instead, Garcia put on some random movie, and we watched in silence, both of us with coffee in our hands. It made me slightly nervous that Derek hadn't come back yet. I wondered if something had gone wrong, but if it had, we would've found out, right?

A knock on the door echoed through the tiny room before it swung open. Derek walked in with sad eyes and bruised knuckles. Garcia instantly noticed his knuckles, too, and stood up , crossing the room to get to him.

"I'm fine, babygirl, really," Derek tried to tell her, but Garcia wouldn't have any of it, delving into a long rant about how he needs to be more careful and he should've called and about a million other things that I didn't bother listening to. I was mentally and physically exhausted. For the first time probably ever, I just wanted to go home.

"How're you holding up, sweetheart?" Derek asked me, putting a hand on my head. I shrugged, focusing my eyes on my coffee. He squatted down next to me, and I could feel his stare. "What can I do?"

"Take me home," I managed to choke out. Derek let out a long sigh, causing me to lift up my head. He didn't say anything right away, so I knew something was wrong.

"Alex, we gotta interview your foster parents first to see if they had anything to do with it." There was something else he wanted to say. I could feel the tension in the room. I put my coffee down on Garcia's desk, leaving my fingertips to cool down.

"Okay, so what? I'm stuck here for another few hours?" I guessed, rolling my eyes. Maybe I could convince Derek to find me a blanket so I could take a nap. Movement coming from the open door caused my eyes to shift toward the hallway. There was my social worker. I abruptly stood up. "Derek, what's going on?" My voice shook slightly. No, no this couldn't be happening. Are they talking me away? Who knows where I'll end up now?

"Alex, sweetheart, look at me," Derek said, standing up and holding onto my shoulders. "Your social worker's going to take you to stay with a good family just for a night or two. I double-checked any records I can find, and I know they're good people." My eyes filled with tears, but I wouldn't let them fall. I couldn't. In that instant, I let my rage take over.

"Fuck you, Derek," I growled with clenched teeth, pushing him away from me. "I actually believed you cared about me! God, I'm so stupid! I told you, I had it handled!"

"Well, you obviously didn't, Alex, you were drowning, and you still are."

"How the fuck would you know? You don't even know me!"

"Alexis," my social worker snapped. I forgot she was there. The sudden interruption deflated me. "Time to go."

"I'm just a phone call away, kid," Derek reminded me. I didn't look at him. Instead, my eyes shifted to Garcia's teary ones, almost causing me to breakdown. I felt my fingers start to tremble, so I held tight to the ends of my sleeves, held my head up, and walked out with my social worker. I could only hope that I would be back in my own bed tomorrow.

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