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seokjin didn't have to go into work today. it was saturday, he never went in on saturday. today he was going shopping with jimin and taehyung. he wanted to see their faces when they found out he was dating again.

he wore a baby blue shirt with black skinny jeans and and checkered vans. he smiled looking at his appearance.

"damn, i knew i was fine but i ain't know i was this fine." he said running his fingers through his purple hair and winking at himself. he laughed while mentally cringing at himself. you have to speak things into existence, right?

he brushes the meaningless thoughts away and walked out of the door with his keys in hand. he knew ever since his last relationship his confidence was hurt severely. he didn't find himself as attractive as he once thought he was and he really found it hard to allow people to compliment him without thinking they're trying to gain his trust just to hurt him again.

it's not as bad as it once was, he's almost completely back to his old confident self. he has some doubts here and there but nothing to bad and self loathing. maybe a small part of him wishes that he never found out chanyeol was cheating on him. with his cousin at that. it probably wouldn't have hurt him more.

the pain he felt while walking into their apartment and hearing his younger cousins screams of joy and pleasure. hearing her scream his name like it wasn't nothing. later finding out that that wasn't the first time they've done it. how she had smiled in his face and acted all nicely in front of him just to later have his boyfriend's dick up her cat.

he didn't really feel like he could date anymore. every bit of his confidence was drained when he walked into that room that night. he felt so insecure. mainly because he cheated on him with a girl. a girl. he knew chanyeol was bisexual, he had no problem with that. hell he'd be perfectly fine if chanyeol broke up with him before going with his cousin. but the fact that he cheated on him with a girl.

it was heartbreaking. so very heartbreaking. in his mind, he couldn't help the needs his boyfriend felt so he went searching for them from a girl. he still to this day believes that's why. that's why he cheated on him. he's accepted it but part of him wants to go back and ask, 'why?'.

he completely cut his cousin out of his life after that. he ignored her every time she reached out. he didn't want to bring up his past, no matter how much he wanted to ask why.

seokjin was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the two boys with cheerful smiles walking up to him. his mood completely changed the second the younger men walked up to him. their smiles alone was enough to make him brighten up and think about all the good he has right now.

"hey hyungie." jimins voice was heard from afar. the two boys ran up to their hyung excited to see him after a long time. after greeting and such they began walking around their local mall, looking at the expensive clothes and various different shoes each store had to offer.

"so hyung, it's not all the time you'd call to go shopping. something has to be up." taehyung says randomly, catching the older off guard. seokjin thought for a second before just outing himself.

"i have a date next week." he says plainly, as if he was ripping a band-aid off. it took a second before the words processed in the other boys head. jimin's face went from neutral, to shock, to excited before he jumped on the older.

"oh my god, hyung, i'm so happy for you. i can't believe it. we have to get you the best outfit yet. do you know what kind of date it is." jimin says quickly while nudging taehyung who was already going through racks and holding up clothes on the older to see what fits him best.

"i actually don't know where we're going. so maybe let's just get a few clothes and put together something in the end." seokjin says cooly, trying not showcase the blush that was spreading through his cheeks just thinking about the tattooed man.

the day went on like that. the boys choosing various different outfits for different occasions. the price of the outfits all together was large enough to put a dent in all of their wallets but it didn't matter, this was big. after two years of not dating or being with another person romantically and sexually, seokjin finally was moving on and letting go of the past.

the two boys ending up staying with seokjin that night. they talked all night long, catching up with one another after not seeing each other after like a month. the only thing that stayed on the two boys minds was, who was seokjin's date?...

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