Chapter 3

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Waking several hours after my panic attack, I'm unusually warm and comfortable, and I cannot figure out why my bed is breathing. Blinking my sleep-fogged eyes several times, trying to clear the fog, I realize I'm practically lying on top of Roman - who is sound asleep. His features look so soft as he sleeps - his dark brown eyebrows aren't pinched together, his lips are curved into a small smile, and he looks his age instead of a few years older.

Closely examining his features from his short, dark brown hair, natural olive complexion, his square jaw to how his dark eyelashes flutter against his plump, sleep-warmed cheeks as he sleeps, and his plump pink lips, which are parted slightly as he breathes through his lips. My gaze instantly flicks to his eyes, when his plump lips curve into a full smirk, causing me to let out a surprised gasp.

"Morning, little one, is there something you'd like to do?" his sexy, morning voice asks.

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I can't help the blush that coats my body; "No! I mean yes, I mean I don't know!"

Roman chuckles lowly as his smirk deapens; "That's okay, little one. All good things in due time."

Before I can even fathom a response or blush harder, he seriously continues; "We need to talk about your social anxiety and a few other topics, but right now we need to join the others in the living room."

Pouting at him as I try to bury my face back into his neck, but he firmly holds me at my hips to prevent my from moving. He smiles gently at me as he takes his right hand from my hip to gently swipe my black hair away from my eyes.

"We need to introduce you to the guys who are here, and discuss a few topics," he gently but firmly states; my pout depens at him, trying to convience him to let me stay in my room, but it doesn't work.

"Come on, love," he commands softly, tapping me on the ass to get me moving.

Dramaticlly sighing, which earns me a laugh from him, as I move off him and the bed. Roman follows me and we get dressed silently. Once we've dressed, Roman takes my right hand in his left hand with an encouraging squeeze and smile, I allow him to lead my from the bedroom and toward the living room.

My eyes widen in horror at the three huge men in the living room with Gabriel and Christian. Their conversation stops the second Roman and I enter the room, and I whimper as I hide myself behind Romran when five sets of eyes land on us.

"Hello," I murmur, gripping onto Roman's shirt above his hips tightly.

Roman walks us forward despite my attempts to stop him, to sit at an arm chair before pulling me onto his lap - my back against his chest and my legs caging his much larger ones. Peaking at the others through my lashes, I find them looking at us while they start their conversation again; my brother, the little shit, is smirking at us.

Snuggling back into Roman's warm, hard body, he slides his arms around my stomach, effectivly stopping my wiggling as I tried to find a comfortable spot. He softly whispers into my right ear for only me to hear and his warm, minty breath sending shivers down my spine; "Stop wiggling, love, or I won't have the will to stop my lustful actions."

Heat flushes my body instantly as I look at his lust-filled gaze from the corner of my eye as I mumble; "Sorry."

"It's fine, love," he assures me with a smirk before leaning back against the chair.

"So, now that the two of you are here, we can discuss a few items before eat dinner that's cooking in the oven," Gabriel comments, bringing us out of our private moment, as he smiles fondly at Roman and me.

I silently nod my head in understanding, so Gabriel continues; "We need to get you and Christian new birth certificates, social security cards - basiclly new identities."

"I'll need a new driver's license, too, then," I murmur.

"You can drive?" Roman questions shocked.

"Yeah, I've had my license for a year now, but never had my own vehical," I admit with a shrug and flushed cheeks.

"Do you have your license, Christian?" Jaxson asks him curiously.

"No, I have taken driver's training though, but we left before I could take the written and driving tests," he shrugs.

"When's your birthday?" Gabriel curiously asks, gently rubbing his hand on Christian's thigh.

"Um, five weeks ago, we left two days before my brithday," he shrugs with pink cheeks at the affection Gabriel is giving him.

"I'm sorry, Chrissy," I sadly whisper with misty eyes; I've screwed up his life.

"None of that Ten, I had a choice, remember? I choose to come with you becuase I couldn't live with the likes of them, and I don't regret that decision," Christian firmly tells me.

"So, we'll get you both new birth certificates, social security cards, Colten a new driver's license, and take Christian to get his," Gabriel firmly states. "Now, you have to decide if you are changing your full names or just your last, as we've decided who will be your 'parent's until you are of legal age," he finishes.

"Who are you going to put as our 'parent's'? I question softly.

"We're going to have me listed as 'father' and my boyfriend, Jamenson as the other 'father'," Jaxson tells me. "We're both old enough for it to be beliveable that we're your parents."

"Thank you," Christian replies softly as he smiles brightly at him.

"You're welcome, young one," he returns with a fond smile at my little brother.

"Can I ask a question?" I timidly ask the room, not caring who answers me.

"Yes," Gabriel and Roman answer in unison with Roman's chest vibrating my body.

"Um, what is the name of the motorcycle gang or club that you guys belong too?" Jaxson, Anthony, Micah and Gabriel's eyes widen in horror. Christian turns white, and Roman stiffens under me - confirming my suspisions imedietly.

"What makes you think that?" Gabriel calmly returns, but I caught a flicker of confusion and fear in his eyes.

"Dude, I'm not blind or deaf - I hear and see more than I let on," I challenge him, as I stare directly at him letting him know to not lie to me; I need to know if Christian and I are safe enough here with them or if we need to do another runner.

Gabriel returns my intense stare while the other men fidget, except Christian as he's starring open-mouthed at Gabriel in shock. Gabriel smirks suddenly before answering me; "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you are that damn observent. Yes, we are a motorcycle club - the 'Road Knights'."

Cocking an eyebrow at the name in wonder, but I let it go for now; "So, what does this mean for Christian and I that you guys are in a motorcycle club?"

"This means you both are under our protection until you both are either of legal age or move on from us once you both are adults. Colten, you are under Roman's care and protection, as well as everyone else, but mainly him, and Christian is the same, but he is mainly my responsabilty."

My eyebrow shoots almost to my hairline; "What - are you trying to claim my 16 year old brother as you're boyfriend?"

Christian instanly blushes and that gives me my answer, but Gabriel answers; "Yes, but if at any time he is unhappy, he is free to leave and stay with Jaxson and Jamenson."

"You do realize you need to be careful since he is only 16 years old and you're 26 years old?" I question him, though I'm sure he's aware.

"Colten," Christian gasps shocked.

Turning my attention to my brother; "What? You know I'm not dumb, Chrissy. If anyone outside of their group about the two of you being together, the cops will be called, and he'll go to jail due to your age and his."

Christian's entire body blazes a bright pink as he bites his lower lip in fear, but Gabriel instantly pulls him tighter to his side, tucking him under his arm; "Don't worry , little love; no one outside our group will know until you are legal."

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