MC Rules

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RESPECT – Personal commitment and self-discipline that you have to show and sustain to wear a patch. The Gray Rebel's colors are closely guarded and the membership process is long and difficult. Respect is given to Patch holders for what they have accomplished by earning and keeping their patches. Respect is born from recognition of dedication and accomplishment. Always striving for respect and seen as good people instead of bad people. Fundraising and volunteer work help maintain the club and the members; always conducting ourselves to a higher standard; to be admired and respected as 'good neighbors' by the public. Follow the 'Golden Rule'.

The Rebel Knight's Colors: Black/White/Blue

PARTICIPATION: Patch holders will not discuss club business of any kind with anyone outside of The Gray Rebel's. You are a Patch holder 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless if you are wearing the club colors or not. Everything that you do or say in public reflects on the club; step out of line and you are subject to discipline for your own good and for the good of the club. Wearing a patch is more than having a good time together; there is a lot of work as well. Committing to a lifestyle of the club in ways to help your fellow brothers and sisters; not how your brothers and sisters can help you.

LEVELS OF COMMITMENT – Earning a patch doesn't mean you have reached the ultimate goal within the club; moving from guest to probation to Patch holder isn't like climbing from the bottom to the top; instead the

club is like becoming a stronger and more committed member – a probationary rocker and then the patch is presented in recognition of your demonstrations along the way. The longer a Patch holder has been a member in the club, along with their experiences the better of a brother and sister you will be to your fellow sisters and brothers.

Time is used to prove that you display responsibility and respect toward Patch holders of the club. You will be taught the basic rules, protocols and etiquette of the Gray Rebel's. You will be given time to develop the basic good communication and security habits as well and to form good practice of participating within the club. You will learn to trust the judgment, sometimes blindly of the Patch holders, who will be someday your brother and sister.

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