Final Chapter

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(Riku's POV)

The boat hits the shore with an almost onomatopoeic thud. Sora and I disembark, barely securing the boat before we're swarmed by countless people. Upon pure instinct I grab Sora's hand so we don't get pulled away from each other in the crowd of shouts, hugs and laughs from every direction. It's overwhelming to say the least, and if I wasn't already a physical mess I am now.

"Riku! You're okay!"

"Where have you been, bro?"

"You look like you've been dragged through hell!"

"Missed you!"

Voices ring from every direction, and Sora's hand is the only thing keeping us together as the crowd becomes impossibly larger. My hair is ruffled a million times and the hugs aren't so much hugs as a giant mosh pile of people. Happy as I feel, the introverted side of me wants to get back on the boat with just Sora and get the hell away.

After a while it slowly settles down, and I can finally identify everyone. Kairi, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Naminé, Terra, Aqua, Ven, Selphie, Tidus, Hayner, Pence, Olette and plenty of others. They ask question upon question, but I let Sora do most of the talking, as already exhausted as I am.

Sora eventually finds a window of opportunity to escape crowd, and grabs my hand to steer us towards the area where everyone set up food. I don't realise how hungry I am until I smell it. In the shoebox cell there was enough to eat, but it wasn't very filling or particularly pleasant. Most of it seemed to be dry, old stuff nobody else would eat back there, but here everything is fresh and glistening it the setting sun, making it even more appetising. Sora hands me a sandwich, which I gratefully take. It's an explosion of flavour after the dull food I had lived off of for a month.

Even though it makes it slightly more difficult to eat, I find that I don't want to let go of Sora's hand, even though the crowd is fully split up now. I believe Sora doesn't want to let go either, not after so long apart. The physical contact reminds and reassures us both that we're together now and nothing will split us up again.

Instead of letting go, he eventually offers to feed me. At first it's awkward and we laugh too much, but I appreciate it. It's like doing normal couple stuff. We haven't really done that enough, but we have the chance now, so why not take it? Besides, Sora's blushing crimson face is too cute to miss out on, even though I'm probably even redder. The guiltiness that was too strong earlier has for the most part vanished now, and I hope one day it won't be there at all.

As the sun begins to drop even further, people slowly start to leave. A million smiles and "welcome backs" as night falls makes me feel happier than I thought I could be ever again.

When the sun barely illuminates even the ocean before us, only Kairi, Sora and I remain at our island. Kairi approaches and hugs me tightly, burying her face in my shoulder. I assume Sora told her mostly everything about what had happened, and I feel sorry for worrying her so much, too. I hug her back, thankful to have a friend like her.

"I missed you, Riku. We all did. You don't have to suffer or hide your pain ever again. We're best friends, and always will be," she affirms, tearing up.

"Thanks, Kai."

She nods and takes mine and Sora's hand, placing them together. With one more bright smile towards us, she takes her leave. Only Sora and I remain now, hand in hand underneath a vast sky, where stars already are starting to flicker.

"Shall we go back now? It's getting dark."

He thinks for a moment, but shakes his head. "I wanna see the stars from here, just like when we were kids. It's been too long. And... There's something else, too."

Who I really love (Sora x Riku)Where stories live. Discover now