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(That night)

"Hey Rachel, can you pass me my apron?" Seojun asks as they both were getting ready in the backroom for their shifts.


"I'm sure I've asked you this before but why exactly do you always come to work with that short, red wig?" He asks.

As Rachel puts on her wig and adjusts it through the mirror, "It keeps me safe from most weirdos that comes walking through that door."

She then grabs her dark red lipstick. "Plus I create a whole new persona when I'm out there."

"There's nothing wrong with being yourself out there. You're perfect Rachel." She looks at Seojun through the mirror with a soft smile.

"Yeah well if you went to my college, you would think otherwise. There I'm known as a cold person and I'm just avoided, but here 'Raina' is the perfect conversationalist who everyone likes to talk to."

"Well whatever floats your boat." Rachel nodded. Then Chan came through the backroom door. "Hey guys the bar is being filled already so whenever you're ready."


"Hey Raina, the usual." A customer said.

"Sure thing Jen." Rachel then got started on a dry martini with 3 olives on a toothpick.

"Raina there's a guy asking for you in section 2. You go, I got this section covered." Seojun said. "Okay." Rachel said as she made her way down the bar.

She sees the same guy from the another night. "Aye you're back. Are you here for more shots?"

He shook his head. "Actually no, I'll take a coke though." She grabbed from the mini fridge under the bar. "You got it."

"But I did come here to talk to you about something." He said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Okay well can it wait? I have some other customers to help so you stay here enjoying your coke and I'll be back." She said and he nodded.

Rachel then went to the center to grab a bucket of ice. "So who is that?" Chan and Seojun whispers as they look at the guy being awkward with a coke in his hand.

She continues to add ice. "Don't really know his name." She lied. "But he came in last night too. A first comer. I guess he found Raina nice to talk too."

"He looks the same age as you. You should introduce him to Rachel. I think you guys might hit it off." Seojun suggested as he teasingly hit her arm. Chan nodded, agreeing with Seojun.

"What? I don't think so. I'm not even looking for a relationship right now." She shook her head. "But-" She walked away with the bucket of ice, "Sorry boys I would love to stay and chat but I got to get back to work."

(A few hours has past)

"You're still here? I would have guessed that you would be bored and leave." Rachel said as she wiped the bar counter.

He chuckled, "Well I was gonna come back but those guys insisted I should stay." Rachel looked back at where he was pointing, Chan and Seojun secretly looking from the backroom door then quickly hid when they were spotted.

She chuckled, "Okay then. What did you want to talk about?" She leaned on the counter. "Uh so um, there's this girl at school." He didn't know why he was nervous. "I see you've moved on already." She chuckled.

"Well not exactly. You see, I'm kinda in the middle right now. I don't know if I like her and I would talk to her, but my friends are not really big fan of hers." He said.

She looked at him and slowly nodded, "If you're asking for my opinion, I say forget what you're friends think, do what you think is best."

"Should I?" He looked at the counter, thinking things over. "Yeah totally, but that's just what I think."

He then got up from his seat and put down his payment for his drink, "Thanks Raina."

"Yeah, glad I could help." She smiled as he left the bar.

"Hey you're smiling. What did he wanted to tell you?" Seojun and Chan came to Rachel's side with curious looks on their faces. "You guys can end your fantasies, he's totally crushing on someone else."

"Aw I'm sorry Rach." Chan said. "Why are you sorry? I told you guys, I'm not looking for a relationship. Now if you guys excuse me I got tables to clean."

"You don't want to be single for your whole life, do you?" Seojun asks as they help clear and clean the tables. "Hey I wasn't single for all my life you know." She said.

He gave her a side eye. "Really? When?" Rachel playfully scoffed, "For your information, I had a relationship when I was in high school."

"That was high school. Boys are just boys. You're in college now Rachel, you need to learn to date a man." Chan said. "Well based on you two 'men', college guys can be as childish."

"Well you should think about it because that guy earlier seemed better than most guys and there isn't much of him in the world." Seojun informed her. "Hmm." The boys looked at her thinking they got through her.

"I still don't care." They both sighed. She then took off her waist apron and walked through the backroom door.

Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now