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"Okay class, that is all for today. Remember that mid-exams are coming up, I hope you all are preparing well. So for the remaining of class, you may all use the time to study. In groups...or solo, whatever helps you." Mrs. Choi nodded then sat in the back of her desk.

Everyone then went in their usual groups.

Acquaintances, friends, whoever. Mrs. Choi really targeted the word 'solo' to a certain someone, but lately she has been acting different.

A good different you may say.

"Uh hey. If you guys don't mind, can I join you guys?" Rachel hesitantly asks the group of girls.

"Rachel of course." Soojin smiles.

Rachel smiled back as she sat next to her. Soojin seemed to be comfortable but the other 3 girls looked intimidated.

"Guys it's okay. Rachel here is cool, we actually went to the same high school." Soojin says.

"Really? Is it true then?" Soyeon asks.

"What's true?" She furrowed her eyebrows at the girls.

"Not to sound rude but Soojin, not in her words, says that you're a kind girl behind a cold figure." Shuhua whispers towards the girl.

Rachel slightly chuckles.

"But you're such a delight. I want us to be friends." Yuqi smiles towards Rachel as the other girls agreed.

"Friends..." Rachel repeats.

"That- that sounds great."

Yuqi loudly squealed resulting the whole class to look at her weirdly.

She politely apologizes for her disturbance. Then she lowered her head and quietly squealed.

"We haven't talked since high school. I blame myself, so what's happening? Clearly I know what's happening in school, but what's going on with you?" Soojin leaned in with her arms on the desk.

"Well I-"

"Wait. Are you still going out with that guy? What was his name again?" Soojin tried to think.

At the same time the classroom door was heard being opened but no one acknowledged it.


The girls including Rachel looked at the front.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Choi. My teacher sent me to pick up a few textbooks." Hyunjin politely said.

"Oh right. I'm going to need a volunteer to help Hyunjin carry these books." Mrs. Choi looked around and no hands were in the air.

"Okay then." Mrs. Choi then looked around the class. "Rachel, if you please."

She hesitated at first, trying to find a way to get out of it but she couldn't.


She stood up and made her way towards the front. Hyunjin was looking at her while she avoided his eye contact.

Rachel went ahead first with Hyunjin right behind her, then within seconds he was walking the same pace as her.

"Listen, about yesterday I-"

"Let's not talk. I'm just helping you walk these over to your class and that's it." Rachel said without looking at him.

"I really want us to be friends, nothing else. I promise."

She just sighs.

"You forgave Jeongin and now you guys are friends again. Why can't you forgive me?"

"I did forgive you Hyunjin. We went over this." She said.

"Then why can't we be friends again?"

"Our friendship wouldn't be beneficial right now." Rachel said.

"Why not?" Hyunjin asks.

They have reached the front door of Hyunjin's class. "It just wouldn't." She shook her head then left to enter the class.

"Thank you so much Hyunjin and Rachel for carrying these textbooks." Mr. Yang said as he guided the two students to put down the books on the table.

When Rachel looked at the class, her eyes caught the sight of Minho. He just smiled at her as she smiled back.

"Hyunjin you can take your seat. Thank you Rachel, you can head back to class now." She pursed her lips and slightly nodded.

Before she left she took a look back once again, first to look at a disappointed Hyunjin then at a smiling Minho.

She sighed as she left the classroom.

'Things can't get anymore more complicated, can it?' She thought.


"I know your secret." Jeongin stood at the front of Rachel's door with a huge smile on his face.

'Crap' She thought.

Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now