Twenty seven

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-final chapter-

"You cheated again." Seojun exclaimed.

"You think you would learn by now, I'm stronger than you." Rachel teased the boy with her smile. "If you don't want to lose, stop trying to challenge me with arm wrestling."

"Chan and Minho are still doing inventory and I'm bored out of my mind." He whined.

Rachel sat on one of the bar stools and leaned her elbows on the counter. "Take laps around the room." She suggested.

Seojun pursed his lips. "Race you?"

She gave him a look. He sighed, "Fine. You race me?"

Rachel was about to say anything to insult his agility but the two waited guys came walking back towards where the other two were.

"Thank god you guys are here. Rachel won't stop bothering me, she keeps wanting to challenge me- Ow!" He yelped when Rachel punched his arm. "See!"

Rachel rolled her eyes then went to Minho's side. "Are you ready to go?" She happily asks. 

Minho smiled towards the girl. "Yeah. Let me just grab my bag then we can go." He left to go to the back room. Chan let out a giggle and pulled something out from under the counter.

"A cupcake?" She raised her eyebrow at the random dessert.

"Congratulations." He beamed then handed her the beautifully decorated cupcake that was inside a clear cube box.

She took it out of politeness but she was still confused on why she needed to be congratulated. "Am I being promoted?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What is there to be promoted for? We work in a bar." Chan snickered.

"Woah are you pregnant? Congratulations." Seojun hugged the girl.

Rachel widened her eyes, gently pushing the boy off. "What?! Who's pregnant? I'm not pregnant and why am I being congratulated?" She continues to question.

"Today's your-"

"Okay let's go." Minho came in, cutting Chan off. He then laced his hand with hers. Before she could say or ask anything else he walked her out the bar, looking back at a wide-smiling Chan.


"Do you have anything idea what happened back there?" Rachel looked so confused, Minho giggled at how cute she looked.

He just dearly smiles at her. "We have reached your dorm."

"You know something. Tell me." She desperately said. Minho chuckles. "Just open the door."

Rachel mentally cursed at to why no one was telling her anything but she stopped when she opened her door.

" year an...niversary." She read the banner that was hanged on her wall. The banner she never hanged herself. The banner meant for the day she was supposed to remember most dearly. 


"On our one year." She heard Minho say from behind her.

It took her a moment.


She widened her eyes.

Ah. There it was.

She gasps as she turns to meet eyes with Minho. He returns her panicked expression with a dreamy look, bringing both corners of his mouth into a small smile. 

"Oh my god! Today was-...A whole year-...I forgot the whole day." She frowned. "I'm the worst girlfriend ever. I'm so sorry I forgot-"

Minho went in to peck Rachel's lips.

"You don't have to be sorry and you're not the worst girlfriend, maybe not the best either." He smiled. 

She playfully hits him. "But still, we missed the whole day."

"The day's not over yet, we still have an hour left till midnight." He said.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "What are we supposed to do in an hour?"

Minho smiled. "Well we have 2 packets of ramen calling our names in the kitchen. How about we celebrate the same way the day we got together last year?"

That brought a huge smile to Rachel's face. "Well what are we waiting for?" She grabbed onto Minho's hand as they make their way to the kitchen.


Midnight hits.

Rachel and Minho are left in her bed, cuddling with Rachel laying on his chest and his chin resting on her head.

"One year." Rachel said. "It's really been one year." She smiled to herself.

Minho chuckles. "And there will be more."

"I love you Rachel." He hugs her in his arms more tighter.

"And I love you."

the end.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. I'm sorry if this final chapter felt a bit rushed.

Please check out my other stories :)

Thank you !

Stay Hydrated ~ 💧

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