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"What are you doing here?" Rachel sighs.

"Can I come in?" Hyunjin asks. "I brought food." Hyunjin lifted a smile on his face and a bag of food.

She didn't say anything as she moved on the side to let the boy in. "How'd you know where I was staying? You couldn't have asked around the dorms to find out where I was staying."

"Don't be mad at Jeongin, but I asked him and he told me." He said then went back to setting the hot n' ready packaged food on the table.

"Of course he would tell you." She mumbled under her breath. "You didn't answer my first question. What are you doing here?"

Hyunjin sat himself down on one of Rachel's chairs. "Can't I come and hang out with an old friend?"

"Since when were we suddenly friends again?" She crossed her arms. "Come on Rachel."

"No really. Yeah we meet a lot, but that's only at school and only when you need help with homework. Other than that, you shouldn't be here."

Hyunjin sighed. "Why don't you sit down and enjoy this food that I bought...with Jisung's money. Then we can talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." She said. Hyunjin then stood up and guided Rachel to sit down. "Just eat. I saw your bowl of cereal, I know you want this."

She let loose of her tense shoulders and caved in. "Fine. I'll eat. Not because you told me to, but you did bring food and it'll be rude not to eat it."

Hyunjin smiled. "Great."


(2 years ago)

Rachel lets out a breathe of air as she steps out of the taxi.

"Here you go Miss." The driver unpacked the trunk and put Rachel's luggage by her side. "Thank you." She says as she hands him the fare money then the taxi driver drove off.

Rachel was dressed in all black. Black converses, black jeans, black tank top, and a black leather jacket to top it all off. Even her bags were in black.

Rachel then takes out a piece of paper from her back pocket and read where she needed to go for her dorm room.

"Rachel?" She looks up to see who just called her name. Without a second thought she grabbed onto her luggage and tried to walk away.

But the person reached her before she was able to leave. "Wait. No hi?"

"Hi Jeongin." She sarcastically said then tried to leave again but he stopped her. "You're not still mad about what happened right?"

"I don't know, am I?" She shrugged. Jeongin pursed his lips. "Look I'm sorry I lied to you."

"You're not the only person who lied. Wait, Hyunjin isn't here too, is he?" Jeongin didn't say anything and that has answered Rachel's questions.

She let out a scoff. "Great."

"I have to go. I've got to find my dorm then throw myself out the window." She said.

"Let me help you. With your bags, not throwing you out the window." Jeongin said as he grabs onto her luggage.

She pulls away before he could reach it. "Please. It's the least I could do."

She sighed as she hands him the bag. "Fine."

(10 minutes later)

They've reached her dorm and luckily she's gotten the one-room. She wouldn't be able to handle a roommate.

"You can just set it down over there." She points over to the open space by the counter. "Here." She hands him a bottled water that she pulled out from one of her bags.

"Thanks." He took the bottle and immediately drank the contents. "Uh would you like to join Hyunjin and I? We met these great guys who are in our neighbor room dorms. We're going out for lunch."

"Thanks for the offer, but you understand why I don't want to go. Especially if Hyunjin is going to be there." Rachel said.

"Right. I'll see you later then." Jeongin was about to leave until Rachel stopped him. "Wait. Jeongin."


"I would really appreciate it if you don't tell Hyunjin about where I'm staying. Or at least not mention about me." Rachel was looking pleading. Jeongin nodded with full understandings. "I can do that."

"Thanks." She gave him a small smile. He returned the smile. "No problem."


Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now