Twenty four

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"Oh my god. Did you get a job as a stripper?" Hyunjin had wide eyes. "What?!" Rachel put her wig back into her work bag.

"No. I have an alias at work and I didn't tell Minho about it." She said.

"I didn't know you had a job." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah. As a bartender at 'Chan's Bar'."

"Oh, no wonder." Hyunjin nodded. "Yeah." Rachel sighed.

"You need to talk to him and clear up everything." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah Jeongin said that too." She slumped on the couch.

"You're going to the party tonight right?" He asks, taking the seat next to her.

Right the party, the party she has forgotten all about.

"He's gonna be there so why not tell him then?" He said as he noticed the girl's silence.

That has Rachel thinking.


Loud music.

Drunk college kids everywhere.

The scent of alcohol covering the whole house.

"Guys this was such a bad idea. I shouldn't have came-" Rachel was about to leave before Jeongin grabbed onto her.

"Hey hey. You're already here and so will Minho, so you are gonna have to fight for your love, okay?" Hyunjin nodded.

"Wait, we didn't say anything about love." Rachel said.

The boys looked at each other then at the girl. "Come on, it's pretty clear." Jeongin said with Hyunjin agreeing.

Before Rachel could say anything to defend herself a girl was heard squealing.

The three turned their heads to find Rachel's other friends.

"Oh my god there you are Rach. This house is so amazing." Yuqi exclaimed.

"Yeah who knew Jisung can have such a place." Minnie snickered.

"Come. You should have a drink with us." Soojin linked her arm with Rachel's. She looked at the boys for help but they were giving her the 'go on' look.

She gave in and went with the other girls.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Soojin asks.

Oh that's right. Minho still hasn't shown up at Jisung's party yet. Nobody between the guys don't know if he will actually be here.

"Late. I guess." Rachel wasn't sure herself. The girls saw a slight change in her mood. They knew she didn't want to talk about it so they decided to change the topic.

"Hey I love this song. Let's go dance." Yuqi exclaimed before pulling Rachel towards the people who are already dancing.

Every worried thoughts that has flooded Rachel's mind has suddenly faded after a cup of whatever the guys bought for alcohol and 10 minutes of dancing in loud music.

Just as Rachel was starting to enjoy herself she notice the girls has stopped dancing.

"What the hell?" Soojin said.

The boys were laughing among their jokes when they see someone walk through the door. They didn't expect this at all.

"What the hell?" Hyunjin said.

Rachel furrowed her eyebrows as she turned where the girls were looking.

"What the hell?" She said.

She couldn't look at the scene right now and she couldn't run outside because of what's happening at the front door. So instead she ran straight to the stairs and entered the first room she saw.

"Oops sorry."

Okay the second room she saw.

meanwhile, downstairs...

Minho finally showed up to the party, finally, but with a Jisoo hanging onto his arm.

"I'm gonna head towards my friends. You can- I guess do whatever." Minho had no emotion in his face.

"Okay but we'll be talking later." She smirked before walking away.

He walked towards his friends as all he saw was confusion from them and just pure anger written all over Hyunjin's and Jeongin's faces.

Hyunjin scoffed. "Come on Jeongin." The two boys left before Minho could say anything.

"Wait guys." Minho sighed. They didn't listen.

"Explain." Jisung sternly said.

"Okay I was walking back and forth in the front yard of whether I should enter or not. Then she just came out of nowhere and pulled me towards the house." He explained.

"And you just let her wrap her arms around you like that?" Chan asked.

"It just happened so fast." Minho argued.

"Well even if so, you shouldn't have walked in here with Jisoo by your side, it should've been Rachel instead." Felix said.

Minho sighed. "Wouldn't she be happier with Hyunjin?"

"Are you stupid?" Changbin said then panicked. "Said with love."

Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "But I saw them together."

"He was only comforting her after your own implosion. Minho, she did not look okay." What Jisung said made Minho's shoulders go soft.

'Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her.' He thought.

"Where is she?" He asked in desperation.


"Where is she?" Hyunjin asks Jeongin as they walk throughout the crowd to find the one girl.

"Wasn't she with Soojin? Because they're over there." Jeongin pointed to the group of girls.

When they reached them they notice Soojin and Rachel wasn't there.

"Where's Rachel?"

"She ran off after seeing Minho then Soojin went after her." Soyeon explained.

"Do you know where?"

"Upstairs." She replied. "I really hope she's okay. I've never seen Rachel so upset and I hate seeing her like that." Shuhua frowned.

Hyunjin nodded. "Thank you." He signaled Jeongin to follow him as they made their way towards the stairs.

They didn't know what room she would be in so they opened the first door they saw.

"Oops I'm sorry."

"Maybe try knocking." Jeongin said in a obvious tone.

Hyunjin gave him a look before continuing their search. Before entering the second room they knocked.

Hopefully there isn't another set of horny teenage adults on the other side.

When the door opened to reveal Soojin on the other side, the two sighed in relief.

"She's right here."

Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now