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"Innie! Have you seen my phone? I'm looking everywhere, I can't find it." Hyunjin called as he was rummaging throughout the dorm.

"Well if you haven't found it then you didn't look everywhere." Jeongin said from the living room.

"I'm serious. I'm heading out and I need my phone."

"Where was the last place you had it?"

"Hmm let's see. After school I placed it in my jacket then we came home and...ahhh I know where it is."

Hyunjin went towards the bedroom and looked for his jacket that he just threw when he came home earlier that day.

"Ahh there it is." He grabbed onto his jacket and when it swung he accidentally knocked over a small box from Jeongin's nightstand.

He noticed a piece of jewelry has fallen out of the box.

"What the?" He knelt down and took ahold of the jewelry.

"Did you find your phone?"

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin called out.

His voice became louder as he walked closer. "Did you find-" He stopped mid-sentence at the sight of Hyunjin looking at the familiar necklace in his hand.

"How do you have this?" He asks.


"How do you have Rachel's necklace?" He said a little louder.

"You're him, aren't you?" He accused. "What?" Jeongin scoffed.

"She moved on with you, didn't she? I mean, you're the one who told me she moved on and how would you know that. And now you have her necklace, the one that I gave her." He ranted on.

"Do you hear yourself? Why would I do that to you? I see Rachel nothing more than just a friend, best friend in fact." Jeongin said.

Hyunjin sighed. "You're right. I don't what I was thinking. But if not you, then who?"

Jeongin just looked at him.

"Come on Innie. Of course she would tell you. You know everything that is going on with her, that includes the new someone." He jingled the necklace as he said that last part.

"She didn't tell me."
"She did."
"Come on Innie."
"Stop it."
"Just tell me."
"No. I promised her."
"So you do know."
Jeongin didn't say anything.
"Just tell me."
"No enough."
"It's Seungmin isn't it?"
"No it's Minho."

Jeongin widened his eyes as he immediately covers his mouth with his hands.

"Crap." He groaned.

"Oh my god I completely forgot about the whole Minho situation." Hyunjin said.

"So that's why he keeps ditching us. I should've seen this coming." He thought out loud.

Jeongin sighed. "She definitely going to kill me this time." He said as he shook his head.

"No she's not, because you're not going to tell her."

"No." Jeongin whined.

"I've kept enough secrets between my friends. Not another one." He said.

Hyunjin pursed his lips. "You're right. You've probably been through so much."

He sighed. "The guys and I were going to have a 00s outing, but you can join us. Secrets free."

"Okay." Jeongin smiled.

"Are you going to take back the necklace?" He asks.

Hyunjin took one more look on the necklace then back at the boy. "You know what, you can keep it. I'm sure Rachel is happy with Minho and I don't want to ruin either of their relationship."

"Wow. You finally moved on. I'm proud of you man. If you let her know that, then everyone will be happy and there won't be anymore secrets." Jeongin said.

"Really? No more secrets. Does he know about Rachel and I?" He asks.

"There isn't a you and Rachel anymore. When everything gets cleared in the air, let's not make a big deal out of it." Jeongin said.

Hyunjin slightly chuckled. "You're right, again."

Jeongin cockily smiled. "Of course I am. Now are we going out to eat or what?"

They both chuckled as Hyunjin put the necklace back where he found it. Closing the door as they both walk out of the dorm.

Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now