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It was now 11 pm and Rachel didn't attend work tonight because it was her night off.

She was now in bed with some show on Netflix playing on her TV and just some overthinking going on in her head.

"Minho sitting with me during lunch today. That was weird." She started to say out loud. "Minho coming in the bar last night for girl advice. Just a coincidence right? He could be talking about someone else."

She didn't really pay attention to the hot Five Hargreeves playing on screen. All she could think about is how a guy from her school, who just suddenly shows up at the bar she works at, suddenly out of nowhere, sits at the table where no one dared to sit at the past 2 years.

"I honestly don't know." She tells herself. "Let's just say he is talking about someone else. Yeah, someone else. We'll go with that." She nodded, trying to reassure herself.

Then something catches her attention. "Oh I love this part." She dropped everything that was going on with her mind and turned up the volume of her TV.


(The Next Day)

Rachel woke up feeling fresh. She sat up on her bed and stretched. As she was stretching she looked over at her night stand and checked her clock. It read 9:10 am.

"Crap. I'm gonna be late for class." She stumbles out of bed, rushing towards her bathroom.

It takes her about 20 minutes to get ready and to reach her class, but her first class for today starts at 9:20. She rushes to at least get out of her dorm under 5 minutes.

She runs through the campus, hoping she won't be late for class. The students she passes gives a questioning look because they notice something unusual...Rachel running.

Because she gives off a cold vibe you would just see her just calmly walk, class to class. But no, today is different.

"Ms. Lee you're late." Today just can't be any different. "You're usually the first one, what happened?" Mr. Kim asks. She didn't know what to say, this has never happened before. "I'm sure everyone gets their off-day. I'll let it pass, go ahead and take you seat."

"Thank you Mr. Kim." She bowed quickly out of respect and walked towards her seat.

Class ends and instead of being the first one out as usual, she sat there and took her time to put her stuff away in her backpack.

"Hey." She hears from the side of her desk, she then looks up to see Minho. Rachel stood up, putting her bag on her shoulder. "Hi?" She questions as she looks past the guy not knowing how to leave, he was literally standing in the aisle blocking her way.

"Um you probably don't know me." He started.

"Lee Minho." She quickly says. "I'm sure everyone knows you and your friends."

"Right. Um. Would you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch? Considering that..."

"That I sit by myself." She raises her eyebrows knowing that's what he was going to say. He didn't say anything. "Look. I'm not sure what made you want to talk to me now. Maybe it was a dare between you and your friends, but I need to go."

He processed what she just said and turned around before she left. "No it's not like that."

"Sure, let's go with that. But I've been fine by myself for the last 2 years. You're nice, I'll give you that, but you have a reputation to keep and I have a reputation that no one wants to associate with. So..."

She pursed her lips and slowly walked backwards, then with that she left.

Minho just stood there. He tried to process what just happened and nothing could be said at all.

"Again? This has to be a joke right?" She continues to overthink as she walks towards her locker. As she approaches her locker, she sees a fidgeting Hyunjin walking back and forth. Rachel sighs, "Great. What now?"

"You lecture me about being late and look at you, 10 minutes late." Hyunjin said. "Late for what?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows. "You forgot? What's going on with you?"

"What makes you think there's something going on with me?" She casually opens her locker and grabbing the stuff she needs for her next class. "Well first of all, I heard people saying they saw you ran to class this morning."

She shrugged. "I woke up late."

"You see, that's not like you. And now you come here late and forgetting why my presence is here." He says as he looks at her. "By the way, here's your notebook." He took the book out of his bag and handed it to her.

"Right, thanks." She casually takes it from him, not listening what he just said. Hyunjin noticed her ignorance and shut her locker. "Seriously what's going on?" He said in a serious tone.

"Nothing." She looked at him right in the eyes. "And why do you care?"

"I-I don't." He suddenly changed his worried look in his eyes to a poker face.

"Then why are we still talking about this?" She then walked past Hyunjin, leaving him with his own thoughts.

Coincidence |Lee Minho| ✔Where stories live. Discover now