Chapter 1

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Okay, just a head's up. If you are new to this story, I know the first few chapter suck and are really cliché... I'm sorry. But the chapters DO get better. Just, please, stick with me. This is my first fanfiction...

-Kellin's POV-

        "Kellin!! Get up! You dont want to be late for your first day!" My mom called from down stairs. I rolled over and looked at the clock: 6:23AM. Way too early. Reluctantly, I removed the covers from my body, went into the bathroom conected to my bedroom and began getting ready. At 7:07, I locked the door to the house and began my walk to school. I put my earbuds in and put my music on shuffle. I smiled as Sleeping With Sirens filled my ears. My parents and I moved to this neighborhood in Maryland two days ago. Today is my first day at the school I'll be attending. It's already six weeks into the school year, and on top of that, it's Monday. Today already sucks and it's barely begun... At least I have amazing taste in music...
        ...What goes around comes back around in time! You don't know shit, you don't know shit, about me! You don't know shit, shit, shit, don't know a-
        *CRASH* I fall as someone collides with me. Said 'someone' also falls on top of me. Best day ever. "ow..."
        "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I open my eyes to meet mesmerizing blue ones. After a few more seconds, the curly-haired boy climbs off me and reaches down to help me up. As soon as our hands touch, electricity shoots up my arm. Once I'm firmly back on my feet, he begins talking again. "I really am sorry! I'm so sorry. I should've paid my attetion to where I was going. Hey, I havent seen you around before. I'm Danny." He smiled. Ugh! I could just melt!
        "It's okay, honestly. I probably had my music up too loud, anyways. I just moved here with my parents the other day. My name's Kellin. It's nice to meet you."
        "Do you want to walk to school together? Is it your first day?"
        "Sure, that would be nice. And yes, it is my first day... I'm nervous."
        "Don't be nervous. I can show you around." He said, again with a smile. Dan        ny picked up his skateboard and we were off to Hell- I mean school. Once we walked through the front doors, Danny led me to the front office so I could pick up my schedule. As soon as the paper made contact with my skin, it was ripped from my grasp by very eager hands. The wavy-haired boy looked over my schedule for the year.
        "Okay, you have 1st, 2nd, and 5th periods with me, 3rd period with Paul and 4th, 6th, and lunch with both me and Paul."
        "So I have 7th period alone." I said looking around Danny's arm at my schedule. "And who's Paul?"
        "He's just my best friend who is probably annoyed with me for making him wait...oops.."
        "Don't worry, he's cool... Or at least he thinks he is." I laughed. About five minutes later, Danny found this 'Paul' person and called him over. "Paul! Over here!" 'Paul came over and joined us. "Paul, this is Kellin. Kellin, Paul the Zimmer. Oh! My last name is Edge."
        "Hey, Kellin. Nice to meet you." Said Paul.
        "It's nice to meet you too. My surname is Bostwick, by the way."
        "Wait..." Began Danny, "Your middle name wouldn't happen to be 'Quinn' is it?"
        "No, it's Carter, actually. And before you ask, yes , I know I have almost the same name as the lead singer from Sleeping With Sirens. They're my favorite band, to be honest. Backstory: I found the band because I decided to Google my name. This guy came up, I found his band, and I fell in love with their music. So..." Paul said 'Wow' at the same time Danny said 'Dang'
        "Oh! Before I forget, Paul, Kellin has 3rd period with you. She also has three periods with me and two periods plus lunch with both of us."
        "Thanks, dude. Kellin," Paul turned to me, " I think you're going to like it here."
        "What makes you say that?" I asked
        "Because you have us!" both boys exclaimed. I smiled. Then the bell rang, signaling it was time to head off to 1st period.
        "Bye guys!" Paul called
        "Bye!" Danny and I called together.
        "You ready?" Danny asked me
        "As ready as I'll ever be..." When we reached the classroom, I made a beeline for the seat in the back corner of the room beside the window. Danny sat down next to me. He looked at me with a stupid (and cute) grin on his face. I felt my heart flutter and I gave him a small smile in return. The teacher, Mr. Hunter, came in the room and began taking roll.
        "As it seems, we have a new student." Shit "would you please come to the front, introduce yourself and tell us a few things about yourself."
        "Uhm..." I hesitated
        "It's okay, go on. Just look at me if you get nervous. Pretend you're talking to me." Danny encouraged.
        "Thanks, Danny." I made my way up to the front of the class and, as suggested, kept my gaze on Danny. "Hi, uh, I'm Kellin Bostwick. I'm 16 and just moved here with my parents from North Carolina. Um, I don't know what else to say..." I trailed off, looking back at the teacher.
        "That's okay. Does anyone have any questions for Ms. Bostwick?" Really? Are you kidding me?
        "Hey, Kellin. I'm Elaine. What's your favorite color?"
        "I like Black."
        "Kellin, I'm Alec." I waved. "What's your favorite food?"
        "Pizza, Nutella, and brownies."
        "Hey, I'm Kara. Vans or Converse?"
        "Sup, babe, I'm Dylan. Wanna go out with me after school? I'll treat you right. *wink*"
        "Fuck no."
        "Hey, I'm Katie. What is your favorite animal?"
        "I like Dragons, Wolves, and Koalas."
        "Hi, I'm Lora. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Do you want any?"
        " I have my lobes pierced twice, and on my right ear, I have a double lower helix and a frontal helix. I don't have any tattoos, but I want a small white dragon outline on the outside of my left hand and a small black treble clef on the sideof my left wrist."
        "Hey, Kellin."
        "Hey, Danny." I smiled
        " What are your favorite bands?" I smiled wider. I was hoping for this question.
        "How long do we have?" Danny smiled. "Black Veil Brides,Sleeping With Sirens, Falling In Reverse, Pierce the Veil, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, the All-American Rejects, Blink 182, 5 Seconds of Summer, Green  Day, My Chemical Romance, Skrillex, Manian, Daft Punk and Linkin Park. But I like a few songs by Papa Roach, Matchbox 20, Simple Plan, AWOLNATION, Sum 41, Mayday Parade, Bring Me the Horizon, S3RL, and Nickleback." I looked up from counting on my fingers. Everybody in the class had confused, confused or discusted, looks on their face. Everyone except for Danny, who had the biggest smile. I swear his face was going to split in half. "Can I sit now?" I asked Mr. Hunter. He nodded his head and I practically ran back to my seat. As soon as my butt touched the chair, my head fell into my arms as I tried to regain control of my breathing.
        "That bad, huh?" Danny asked
        I nodded my head 'yes'. "I hate attention. I prefer to blend in with the shadows." He laughed. It was music to my ears. "Thank you."
        "For what?"
        "Being you." He laughed again. "You've made me feel welcome and like I belong. You've gained my trust in a matter of thirty minutes whn it usualy takes months for me to be able to put my faith in another person. Honestly, if you weren't in this class with me, I would probably be in the bathroom, hiding." Once the bell rang, Danny stood up and gaveme a hug. My skin was on fire everywhere we made contact. I felt cold when he let go.
        "Time for 2nd period." He said


        Finally, the bell rang to signal the end of the school day. I began my walk home when i heard my name being called.
        "Kellin! Wait up!" I stopped walking a turned around to see Danny jogging my way. When he got to me, he said, "Do you want to walk home together?"
        "Sure." I replied with a smile. Danny and I walked side-by-side to our houses. His house was right beside mine. I smiled again. I could get used to living here.


Hey guys!! I hope you like it!
Remember to comment and heart!

I love you all! <3


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