Chapter 5

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-Kellin's POV-

        It was 7:32 when I walked up to Danny's door. I knocked twice. Ten seconds later, my phone buzzed, notifying me I had recieved a text. The text from Danny read 'Door's open. Come in. And can you lock the door behind you? Thanks :)'. I smiled to myself. I opened the door to find a table with a few articles of clothing and a piece of paper on top. The note said: 'Put these on, then follow the cards.' I gathered the clothes in my hands and went to the bathroom. Boxers again? I slipped them on over my own underwear, then I slipped on the sweatpants. I took off my Pierce the Veil band tee, leaving me in a black cami. I pulled on the Black Veil Brides hoodie Danny had chosen for me.
K: Wear do I put my clothes?
D: You can just leave them on my bed
K: 'Kay. Thanks
        After I placed my clothes on Danny's bed, I headed back downstairs. Once I found the cards, I followed them down to the basement. I stepped off the final stair and turned to my right. There was Danny standing beside a huge fort with a goofy grin on his face. He pulled one corner of the sheet into his hand and gestured inside the fort. "After you." I bent down and crawled inside. This was probably the biggest pillow fort I had ever been in. After Danny turned off the lights, he crawled in. "I have a movie night planned for us, so get comfortable, you're staying."
        "I'm staying?"
        "Yes. My mom had to go out of town for a couple days, so I asked if you could stayover. She said it would be okay as long as your parents were okay with it. I called them both and turns out it's okay. Soo... tada?"
        I let out a small giggle. "Okay, sounds like fun."
        "It will be... I hope. Oh! I have pizza." He place a box of pizza in my lap and another box in his. I opened my box to find my favorite kind of pizza: Pepperoni with Pineapple. I picked up a slice and took  a bite.
        "Mmmm.. Oh my God, I love you so much. Thank you!"
        "It's no problem." He said with a smile.
        "So, what are we watching?"
        "You'll see." He pressed play. Pretty Woman came on the screen. I leaned back into a mountain of pillows and watched the movie play.

        Four and a half hours later, Danny and I were in the middle of our third movie, Never Been Kissed. I reached around the boy next to me, grabbed the remote and paused the film. Danny looked at me, confused. "Okay, what's with all the chick-flicks?" I asked.
        "I-I was sorta... um hoping that would maybe possibly kinda sorta hopefully give me some uh.. inspiration..." Danny looked down. Even in the dim lighting I could see his cheeks tinged with a hint of red.
        "Inspiration? Inspiration for what?" I was beginning to get nervous.
        Danny took a deep breath. "Kellin." He took both of  my hands in his and looked into my eyes. His eyes were so blue! I loved them.. "Since I met you that one day when I crashed into you, you're all I've had on my mind. Remember when I told you I ran into you because I recieved a text from Paul?" I nodded my head 'yes'. "Well, I sorta lied... The truth is, I was distracted because I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."
        "...Oh.." I looked down, tears begining to pool in my eyes.
        Danny put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head so I made eye-contact with him once again. "That girl? She's sitting across from me right now." My eyes filled with tears once again, but pooled over. "Please don't cry." He wispered. Danny took his thumb and brushed it under my eyes to catch the escaped water. We held each other's gaze, my green eyes matched to his blue ones. Slowly, we began leaning in toward each other. Danny's eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips and back again. Once our lips were an inch apart, Danny whispered "Kellin, will you be mine?" My eyes fluttered closed as I closed the distance between our lips.
        As soon as my lips brushed his, someone exclaimed "I knew it! I. Fucking. Knew. It!"
        Danny and I split apart and turned to see Paul peeking in the fort. Danny spoke first.
        "Paul!? What the fuck are you doing here? It's almost 1am!"
        "Danny, you're out of Nutella... Mainly because I just finished it.. but I thought you should know. Sorry if I interrupted something, I'll let you two get back to what you were doing. Bye!" Paul left and went upstairs. "USE PROTECTION!!" A second later the door slammed shut. I could feel my face heating up.
        "Oh my God..." I got up and made my way to the opening.
        "Where are you going?"
        "Don't worry, I'm just have to run home for a second. My parents are probably asleep now, I'll be back in five minutes."
        "Kay, hurry back!" I walked up the stairs exited the house. I went around to my back yard and climbed the tree that leads up to my room. I am so glad I leave my window unlocked. I climed into my room ready to grab what I need. I took off Danny's hoodie and layed it on my bed to put back on. I changed into my Batman sports bra and put the hoodie back on over top. I grabbed my phone charger and earbuds before heading out. I re-entered the Edge household and went strait upstairs. I searched in Danny's closet for his Black Veil Brides zip-up jacket and put it on instead of the BVB hoodie. I walked over to the movie pile and chose five movies before heading back downstairs. "Finally you're back!" Danny said as i reappeared in the fort. "What do you have?"
        "Different movies. Better movies. No offense, but I don't really like chick flicks. I'm more in the mood for action or comedy or both." I handed the movies to Danny and took a seat beside him.
        "Okay, we have 8-Mile, Insidious: Chapter 2, Scary Movie IV, Divergent, and The Avengers... How about we watch The Avengers first?"
        "Yes! I was hoping you would pick that one."
        "I see you've found my Black Veil Brides jacket."
        "Yep. It's really comfortable and warm."
        "You can keep it if you want... I don't wear it anymore, It got too small,, But it looks like the perfect size on you."
        "Thank You!! Oh, Speakking of Black Veil Brides, one of their songs is in this movie."
        "Really? Which one?"
        "Unbroken (I know it's not really in the movie, but let's pretend :) thanks -KC). It's one of their lesser known songs, but it's in my top three songs by BVB. I also really like In The End and Lost It All." I settled back into the mountain of pillows to watch the movie. About half-way through, I looked up at Danny who was staring intently at the screen. "Hey, Danny?"
        "Yea?" He looks down at me. I stretch up and over to meet his lips with mine. After a few seconds we pulled apart.
        "Yes what?"
        "Yes... I will be yours." Danny's mouth spread into a wide grin as he pulled me into a hug. His breath tickled my neck as he spoke.
        "Oh thank God. I thought you were going to say no or laugh in my face."
        "Danny, look at me." He lifted his head off my shoulder so our eyes would meet. "I would never do that, do you understand? I would never, I will never hurt you, not on purpose." The boy nodded his head. I unzipped his jacket I was wearing, It's uncomfortable to sleep with it zipped, But I'm comforable around Danny, I don't care if he sees my in a sports bra, it offers more coverage than a bikini top. I noticed a slight hint of red on Danny's cheeks. Oops. I laid my head down on his chest, one of my arms was across his stomach and one of his fell around my shoulders. Within minutes, I was asleep.


Hey Guys! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update! I've been really busy with school since the new semester started and with practice happening more than once a week. I'm really sorry, plus writer's block wasn't helping... but shoutout to smexydreamer13 for getting me back on track! Thank you!

send in comments! I welcome them. Tell me if you like my story, send in suggestions! I have a few bi ideas for the story that will come later, but there needs to be stuff leading up to that.. please write comments, vote, or whatever..

Thank you for taking your time to read this!

I love you all!!


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