Chapter 11

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It has been forever since I've updated. I am so so sorry you guys. I've been trying to deal with family stuff and the end of the school year and trying to get a grip on reality half the time because my brain works weird and I scare my self most of the time with how my mind react to stuff and my thoughts that I can control... Anyways, I've been writing this chapter for almost a month, trying to figure out how I want this story to go... I'll try to do better. Also, Please watch the video, it is one of my absolute favorites and, not gonna lie, I cry every time I watch it because personal reasons... but just trust me, please watch the video


I checked my phone, 7:43 am. School starts at 8:00. I hadn't slept a wink all night. I quickly jumped down from the branch I had been perched on and began the long walk to school, after I had changed into the spare change of clothes. I stepped into the building at 8:10, I was late, again. I made my way to the bathroom to try and make myself at least somewhat presentable, and to make sure I had no damage showing. I looked in the mirror, suddenly very glad I had decided last minute to bring my make up. I had a large deep blueish-purple bruise covering half my cheek. I covered it up as best as I could. By the time I had blended everything, 1st period had ended. I mentally prepared myself to endure a day of loneliness.

As soon as the bell rang to end the school day, I slowly began to gather my materials back into my school bag. I took my time, waiting for the rest of the students to file out of the room. Once the last student had exited the classroom, I stood up from my seat and made my way to my locker. I dumped the books I didn't need onto one of the shelves and closed the door. I turned only to see Danny and Paul headed right at me. I made the mistake of continuing to look, because a couple seconds later, Danny's eyes had found mine. The next thing I knew, I was right in front of the boy, my hand striking the side of his face a second later. "Ouch! What the fuck?!" he exclaimed.

"How could you? How fucking dare you?! I actually thought you were a nice guy. I told you everything; I don't think there was anything you didn't know about me. I fell in love with you and then I find out it was a fake? Just a scam? You were just pitying me so you didn't feel guilty about knowing what goes on with me and just leaving me alone? You promised me-you fucking promised me that you would be here for me. You both did. You said you wanted to help me recover and support me in it. But guess what. Nothing has changed. I haven't gotten any better, I've only gotten worse. My relationship with my dad has plummeted. After you left, he told me what you told him. I actually can't believe I let myself fall into your lies. Because to you, I'm nothing but a whiny, attention-seeking, no-good, bitch-ass whore who cuts herself and is just begging for attention." by this time, I had been yelling, practically screaming at the boy, with tears streaming down my face. "I can't believe you made me fall for you in a matter of weeks, just for me to find out the truth behind all your lies, and then you avoid me for weeks, WEEKS, Danny." I wiped my face. "I don't even know why I'm still here. Its obvious you don't give a shit about me." and with that, I pushed past him.


I turned around to face Danny. "What do you want?"

"I never said any of those things! Your father threatened to file a restraining order against me if I didn't leave you alone. It wasn't my choice! And I NEVER said those things about you." He began to walk towards me. "None of those things are even remotely true. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on. You are definitely not whiny, I don't think I've even heard you complain about anything except  your relationship with your parents. I know you don't beg for attention, you hate it. You aren't a no-good, bitch-ass whore. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, it has practically killed me not being able to be with you, kiss you, hug you, cuddle with you, or even speak to you. Just ask Paul."

I looked around Danny to see Paul still standing about ten feet away, looking awkward. "Paul?" He turned to look at me. "Is what he's saying true?"

"Kellin, you have no idea. He's been miserable without you. He barely functions, And hasn't been normal since that day he had to leave you in the hospital."

I turned back to Danny. "I'm sorry I believed everything my dad had told me, I should have known better..."

"It's okay, love." Danny leaned his head down slowly. I stood up on my tip toes in order to meet him half-way. As cliché as it sounds, sparks flew as soon as our lips touched. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer and so he would stay pressed against me for just a little bit longer. After a few more seconds, we broke apart and pulled each other into a tight hug. Tears began slowly dripping down my face. "I am so, so sorry Kells. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was  doing what was best for you. And I didn't want to be forced away from you... I'm so sorry. And... I love you too" Danny whispered in my ear. I mentally face palmed when I realized I had actually told him I love him. I guess the secret's out. A few minutes later, we separated from our embrace. The boy in front of me trailed his thumbs along my cheeks and under my eyes, wiping away my tears. "Kellin, what happened?" He asked with a tone of concern mixed with shock.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your cheek is bruised. Kellin, who did this?" His expression changed to that of anger.

"N-nobody. I-I-I just ran into a-a pole."

"A pole? Really, Kellin? That's the best you can come up with?"


"Kellin," He began, sounding firm. "Who did this to you?" I stood silent, tears beginning to spill out of my eyes. I continued to stay silent, afraid of what his reaction could be if he found out who had really done the damage.

"It was no one, it doesn't matter, anyways. I'm fine, Danny. Really. I promise. I have to get home." I went to walk past him. I had to get home. Lord knows my father is already pissed at me enough because of something I had nothing to do with. I didn't want him to become even more angry because I got home late.

"Kellin, wait. Please." Danny says as he grabs my wrist. I let out an involuntary gasp and jerk my arm away.

"I cant. I'm sorry. I-I have to get home. If I'm not there soon he's going to get extremely mad. Even more mad than he already is. I don't know how much more I can take." My hand shoot up to cover my mouth.

"Kellin, does your dad do this to you?" He asked with concern laced through his voice.

"I uh... He-he doesn't.. it's not... no?"

"I'm going to kill him. I swear to God I'm going to kill that man. How long has he been doing this?"

"A couple weeks..." I mumbled.

"I swear to God I'm going to kill him."

"Danny no! Stop! Please! Paul, don't just stand there, help me!" I latched onto one of Danny's wrists, trying to hold him back. Paul also came up to help me try to persuade Danny out of his murderous behavior. "Danny, please. If you hurt him, he's just going to file charges against you and then I really won't be able to see you because you'll be in jail. And even if you just go talk to him, it'll turn out a lot worse for me because then he'll know I've talked to you and have spoken about the abuse and you'll get a restraining order against you and I don't know if I could handle that."

"Danny, listen to her. She's right. If you confront her father, everything will become even worse than it already is. You guys just got back together, don't ruin it." Paul said, backing me up. I glanced at my phone: 3:45. Shit, I should have been home way before now. My father is going to kill me. I gave Paul a quick hug before turning to Danny and giving him a quick peck on the lips, then I spun on my heel to run home. I was going to be in so much trouble.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry if it sucked.

Leave a comment below with thought/comments/suggestions you have about this story.

Also, If you ever need to vent to anyone about anything, I'm always here for you.

I love you all so much


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