Your garden

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I'm at a point in my life where I have to let go of everything that does not benefit me.

I cannot continue to hold on to toxic relationships or toxic friendships.

It's okay to have a bad season in your garden of life.
It's okay to dig everything up from your garden and throw it away.
It's okay to start over.
It's okay to watch something new grow in a place that brought you so much pain, betrayal and hurt.

Water those seeds and watch your life change.
Water new friendships, water new relationships, water new beginnings, water new experiences.

You control what grows in your garden and what leaves.
Don't be afraid to dig things up by the root and throw them away.
Let bygones be bygones.
Don't replant old seeds.
They will never flourish the way you want them to be.
Just because it bears fruit, it doesn't make it good fruit.

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