Chapter Forty-Six - Aussie

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December went by quick. Letty put all energy into training and Derek, his parents and their friends helped with Bonnie so she could focus on the upcoming fight. Her lawyer had called twice in the past month, Jason's parents had gotten a lawyer for themselves to attempt to start a case against them to gain joint custody of Bonnie. But so far, it hadn't gone further than that. They had made some demands but only verbally.

Christmas was great. They celebrated with Derek's family at his parents' house. It wasn't as crazy as it was with her family but it was nice. Mary spoiled Bonnie like she always did and she was showing her off to her sisters and their families. As if she was her own flesh and blood. It was love that made them family. They went back the week after to celebrate New Years. And it was on the back porch of his parents house, where they got married. It was small, just his parents and Bonnie. It was perfect. Letty was wearing a more casual white dress rather than a big puffy one, which she was happy about. A priest came to the house and wedded them. Bonnie was happy, dressed in a dress herself she jumped up and down as they kissed and they were sealed. They were officially, on paper, linked together. Not that they had needed it but now everyone knew it. Her family home in Texas was happy for them but also offended and mad that they weren't there to witness it. Jasmin had cried, said she had wanted it to be a big church wedding. But it wasn't about anyone else. It was about Letty and Derek. Just the two of them. That was all they needed.

A week into January, they were on the flight to Australia that would take over 24 hours. They flew from New York to Los Angeles and stopped to refuel before continuing to Melbourne. For the trip, Letty had hired Spencer's friend, Lucy as Bonnie's nanny. Lucy had been babysitting children and was going to be a kindergarten teacher but lost the job to someone else. Which made her say yes to Letty and not only because she paid better than the kindergarten would have. But she loved kids and she confirmed with others that she was good before hiring her. She had always hoped it wouldn't come to it. But with her job and lifestyle, she had to do it to make sure Bonnie was best-taken care of.

They were crossing the Pacific in the middle of the night and most people on board were asleep. Letty used the bathroom at the front of the plane and then walked to the back where Derek and Bonnie was. Derek was sitting in the corner of the couch and Bonnie was asleep with her head on his lap. Letty smiled at the sight and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around her neck and she leaned against him.

- Halfway away from all the... shit. He said.

He brushed away some of her hair from her face.

- Yeah. We should stay.

- Up here?

- Yeah, fly around forever. No, I meant, in some foreign land.

- We're back to that talk?

Sometimes, she wanted to just disappear. But that would mean everything she had worked for was for nothing.

- You can sleep, you know. He told her.

- Mhm...

- I got you.

He kissed her forehead.

- I got you both.

She smiled. She put her hand by Bonnie's head and brushed back her blonde hair. It was the three them. Forever.

There was a crowd of fans and paparazzi inside and outside the airport. Fans were holding up signs with Letty's name. Paparazzi snapping photos. They had also hired two bodyguards for the trip, but more guards and police were assigned to them when they realized how big of a crowd was waiting for them.

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