Chapter 2

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Roach POV

Six: Welcome to Team Rainbow Six. You will be pardoned for your desertion, all of you. We have set up a living quarters similar to the United States Marine Corps barracks. Dismissed.

Roach: Aye, sir.

We all gave a salute and left Six's office. The song I had been working on since Yamaga's death was almost completed so I finished it and posted it.

After posting the song, I posted three helmet camera videos.

I went to the cafeteria and removed my mask to eat. A man with a large beard and U.S. uniform limped over and sat across from me.

???: I'm Craig "Blackbeard" Jenson.

Roach: Y/N "Roach" L/N.  You get injured?

Craig: Yeah, I was on your recruiting team and took a shot to the leg.

Roach: That would be the sniper on my team. I ordered him to shoot you in the leg, he wanted to take your head off.

Craig: My rifle shield would've stopped it.

Roach: Your rifle shield is rated for .338 Lapua?

Craig: I take it back. My head would be gone.

Roach: Right through that helmet.

Craig: I saw your helmet cam of your teammate getting popped in the helmet.

Roach: Lucky bastard right there.

Craig: Good helmet.

Roach: We should've used cloak to get through that door, but we didn't and almost died because of it.

Craig: That cloak is fucking creepy.

I used cloak and reappeared behind Craig.

Roach: You mean when I do this?

Craig: You're going to give someone a heart attack.

I finished eating and while on the walk back to the barracks, I saw a very familiar face; Elzbieta Bosak.

Roach: Ela?

Ela: Y/N?

Ela caught me off guard by hugging me, but I hugged back nonetheless. I used cloak and it cloaked Ela as well since she was touching me. I deactivated it when we let go of each other and Ela shook her head.

Ela: That Goddamn cloak, man.

Roach: What about it?

Ela: It's creepy as all hell.

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