Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"Is this it?" Marina asked as she grabbed a mixing bowl from their cupboard. Before Percy could respond she dropped it, causing a loud thud.

"Shh, shh!" Percy whispered as he grabbed the, thankfully, not broken bowl and placed it on the counter.

He peered into their room from the kitchen and sighed with relief. Annabeth hadn't heard them.

"Okay, since it mommy's birthday today we're going to make her a cupcake, okay? Now, Marina, can you get out the cake mix? Please try not to drop it," he said. She nodded and rushed over to the pantry. "And Charlie, get the eggs. Be gentle, though, okay?"

The three of them started baking, making the occasional loud noise, although Annabeth did not stir.

After three attempts and a lot of mess, the final cupcake was perfect. It was blue and had tons of frosting and almost an entire can of sprinkles as the cap had fallen off the bottle when Marina had been decorating.

"Okay, I'll light the candle and then we'll bring it in to mommy," Percy said as he lit the candle on top of the cake and guided the kids towards their room. "Now sing when I nod, okay?"

He pushed the door open and nodded. Suddenly all three of them broke into song. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Annabeth, happy birthday to you!"

Annabeth sat up and grinned and instantly pulled Marina and Charlie into a hug. "You guys, this looks amazing! And by yourselves, wow! This is so unexpected!"

Percy handed her the plate as Charlie and Marina climbed up onto the bed.

"You heard us, didn't you?" Percy whispered in her ear as he sat besides her. She nodded and smiled weakly.

"Well, this is very sweet, but after I finish my cupcake I have to get ready for work," Annabeth said, creating a chorus of awwws. "I know, I know! But I have to."

Then a knock on the door caused Marina and Charlie to bolt up and rush towards the store, screaming about packages or something.

"That's just my mom," Percy said as he took her plate.

Annabeth went red. "Sally's here? I'm not even dressed!"

Percy laughed. "Neither am I, and I'm covered in frosting. She's here to babysit the kids."

"But I thought you had the day off?" Annabeth protested.

He nodded and he wrapped an arm around her. "I do, and so do you. I called you in sick. Said you were too weak to talk. Thought I could take you somewhere special."

Annabeth frowned. "No, Perce, it's sweet but I have too much work. And my birthday isn't that special, anyways—"

"Nonsense! You only turn thirty—"

"Ah, ah, stop it! I don't wanna talk about age," she protested. "It just reminds me I'm getting older and running out of time to—"

"To what? Become a top architect in New York City? Because I think you've done that already," Percy commented.


"Fine, you only turn thirty-something, once, and you're gonna do it right," he said. "Now get dressed, I'll be waiting for you in the living room."

Annabeth sighed and stared at him. "I don't even know where we're going!"



She was ready after around ten minutes. They quickly said their goodbyes and thanked Sally before getting in their car, Percy at the wheel.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" she asked while frowning. He simply shook his head. "The suspense is killing me!"

Then Annabeth quickly recognized where they were heading. She smiled at Percy, who only narrowed his eyes at her.

"I recognize it," she said. "And I can't believe it! You remembered—"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, a smile creeping on his face. "Now, don't ruin your surprise."

"I can't believe they even let you in here," Annabeth said as Percy led her out of their car and into the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "After what you did."

Percy shrugged as he led her to a new exhibit that she'd more than hinted on wanting to see. "That....was a long time ago. I'm sure they've, uh, forgotten. Besides, it was all Nancy Bobfit's fault!"

Some old lady who wore a museum uniform shushed him as Annabeth burst out into laughter.

"If you're careful, we're going to get kicked out!" she declared. "Now stop talking about Nancy Bobofit and try to actually enjoy yourself. For me."

He sighed and took her hand in his. "I guess I can forget about her for one day since it's your birthday. But right after today ends, she's back to being my number one enemy."

"You do that, then, seaweed brain."

"I will."

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