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". . .might wanna get some rest," Walter told Toby and Sylvester, and they nodded and conked out.

"Oh, I should probably call Ralph," I remembered. "Just in case he has to wait a while."

Walter smiled. "He won't," he assured me.

"I've factored in every variable already, and we'll get there at 4:30 at the latest - half an hour before his school lets out."

"Traffic?" I questioned. "Roadblocks?"

"Check and check," he replied.

His hand reached for mine again, and my heart sped up. I could feel the hot flush flooding my veins. As his fingers tangled with mine, every nerve in my body stood on end.

"We'll make it," he told me softly.

I startled a little. I'd nearly forgotten what we'd been talking about.

"Right. Ralph," I said uncertainly, my voice a bit unsteady.

He smirked at me; of course he could read my body language. And voice. And eyes. The expression was unfamiliar on him; I was so used to seeing it on Toby. It gave him a sexy, mysterious air.

"It's so quiet," he commented. "It's almost like we're alone. . ."

Something - someone behind me kicked the back of my seat. Walter grunted as the same thing happened to him.

"It may seem like it, but you're not alone," Happy mumbled. "Wait til we're back at the garage, lovebirds."

"You should talk," I teased her. "Look at you back there."

"If I wasn't so tired, I'd kick you again," she told me, then yawned.

That was her tired kick? I shuddered to think of what it'd feel like full strength.

"You don't want to know," Toby muttered, correctly interpreting what I'd been thinking about.

"Go back to sleep," Walter laughed.

"Night night," Happy said sweetly. I looked back to see her and Toby curled up like two kittens sleeping together - adorable. But maybe it was more a kitten and a pit bull. . .

Toby winked at me, probably his way of thanking me for all the advice I'd given him to lead him to this moment.

Walter drove through the companionable silence, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of my hand. Everywhere it touched, my skin burst into flames.


We were finally at the garage, and Walter'd been right - I had an fifteen minutes until I had to pick Ralph up.
I groaned a bit and reluctantly extracted my hand from Walter's, shaking it a bit to get rid of the burning feeling. Then I stepped out of the car and tapped the window of the seat behind the drivers seat, awakening Sylvester. He shook his head a bit, his eyes bright but confused.

We're here, I mouthed, then moved to the other side.

When I peered in the window, I had a little awwww moment. Toby had one arm around Happy's shoulders, and his jacket was wrapped around her. His hat was on her head, tilted forward so it barely covered her eyes. She in turn had one arm wrapped around his torso, and her head was on his shoulder. His head was on hers.

I giggled a bit, confused on how they'd managed this position sleeping. I took a few pictures on Happy's phone, then a few on my own. Walter walked around, then peered into the window beside me. My skin hummed from his closeness.

"Tell me you got pictures," he begged me. In answer, I held up my phone.

"Send them to me."

I assured him I would.

"Toby!" I called softly through the window. He stirred, lifting his head off Happy's. When he saw his position, he smiled down at Happy, his expression so tender.

Don't wake her up, he mouthed, then began to get out of the car, gently moving her out of the way.

"Not a word," he warned us, and walked inside, a little extra pep in his step.

I shrugged at Walter. "I'll get her."

He smiled, then turned and walked after Toby, grabbing Sylvester on the way.

I opened the car door, seeing Happy with Toby's jacket and hat lying lengthwise on the seat. I shook my head in amusement.

After removing Toby's clothes from her sleeping form, I shook her shoulder gently.

"Hey, Happy," I said gently. "We're home."

I froze. Did I just call the garage. . .home?

Happy groaned, pushing herself up. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. She looked around. "Where's - I mean, where're the guys?"

"They went in a minute ago."

She frowned. "Is there a mustache drawn on my face?"

I laughed. "Nope, and your hair's not even shaved off. C'mon, let's go in."

She stretched and hopped out of the car.

"Why are Toby's hat and jacket on the floor?" she asked.

I shrugged, pulse starting to race. "Why does Toby do anything he does?"

She stared at the clothes for a beat too long, then picked up the jacket and hat. "I'll bring them to him."

"Okay. . ." I said quietly.

She glared at me. "Problem?"

I flinched. "Not at all, just. . .nevermind."

She shrugged coldly and walked inside.

I sighed. The others had been warming to me, but Happy was so. . .stoic. Guarded. I couldn't find the crack in her armor.

I followed Happy through the door, my face heating as I anticipated seeing Walter again.

Hey again. I'm actually semi-proud of this part - and I did it all in the like 2 hours since I posted the last one.

It's actually starting to annoy me how many of my chapters begin/end with walking through doors.

Anyways-did you like this chapter?


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