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I placed my head in my hands and sighed. I had no idea what to do. Megan in the hospital - and for a different reason this time - whatever was going on with Paige and I, and finally my nerves on catching these gunmen - Jesus. It was almost too much for me to handle.

The stairs creaked, and I recognized Paige's breathing, quickened slightly. I let myself smile. Obviously she was as affected by me as I was by her.

"Walter?" she called softly.

"Yeah. I'm in here." I replied, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Hey." She smiled, poking her head around the doorframe. "You okay?"

"Yes. I am stable." I blurted, then half wanted to slap myself. I'd been working so hard to get rid of my. . .habitual way of speaking.

"Well, that's good." Her smile didn't diminish. "Mind if I join you?"

"I am. . .unopposed to the idea." Jesus. I was getting worse.

She crossed the room, reaching for my hand. I let her take it, lacing my fingers into hers.

"Hi," she whispered, leaning into my chest.

"Hello." I smiled down at her.

"I had an odd dream last night," I added, somewhat randomly. My heart began beating faster - I was nervous.

"Oh yeah?" she murmured.

"Yes," I replied. "That's what -" I cut myself off. Stupid.

"What happened in it?" She looked up at me, and the look in her eyes almost made me lose my nerve.

But I wanted to do it, oh God I wanted to.

"Why don't I. . .show you?" I gulped. This was way out of the ordinary for me.

Her eyes gleamed. "I'm unopposed to the idea," she teased gently.

"Well." I sucked in a breath. "The lights were dim, like this." I reached for the light switch and flipped it off. "And. . .um, you were there. . ."

She smiled. "Of course I was. Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."

"Probably because I am," I told her, chuckling a little. "But. . .so, you were there, and then, we were talking. . ."

"Mmmhmmm. . ." She blinked a few times and looked down, and even in the dim light I could see her blush.

"And then you hugged me, like this. . ." Casting her a quick look to see if it was okay, I extracted her hand from mine and moved both her hands to my neck.

She blushed harder. "Like earlier?"

"Like earlier," I agreed, blushing a little as well.
"And then I did. . .this." I put my hands on her hips, and she sucked in a little gasp. I didn't dare look at her face, fearing I'd completely go mad.

"And then we leaned in closer to each other. . ." I gently eased my face a few inches closer to hers, until I could see every fleck of grey in her eyes. I could taste her breath, and her lips were slightly parted. Her eyes were a bit wider than normal, and her pupils were so dilated. Attraction. I smiled.

"And then?" she whispered, and I could feel her breath on my lips.

"And then. . ." I was teasing her. I hadn't done this with anyone I truly cared about in a while, but I knew enough that you had to hold back a little. "You leaned forward. . ."

She let out a little pant. I could feel nearly every inch of her body on mine.

She pushed herself closer, until our noses were pressed together.

"And then. . . I did. . .this," I murmured, my lips brushing against hers. I closed the tiny gap remaining and pressed our lips together.

She let out a tiny gasp, then returned the kiss, pressing back hard enough that I let out a surprised chuckle.

I flipped us so her back was against the wall, kissing her harder, but also gently. She sighed into my mouth, and it almost made me go insane.
"Walter," she whispered, and I used the opening to slip my tongue into her mouth, effectively cutting her off. Our tongues tangled, and I could feel her smile.

She moved her hands from my neck to my chest, pushing softly, and I moved back immediatly.

"What? Sorry, did I do something wrong?"

"Of course not," she laughed, a little short of breath. Her lips were damp from all the kissing. "No, I have to pick up Ralph."

"Of course," I echoed her. "Umm. . ." I was at a loss for words, very odd for me.

She laughed. "Thank you for the very vivid reenactment of your dream. You must've enjoyed it." She cocked one eyebrow.

"Not as much as I enjoyed showing it to you," I shot back, smiling at her blush.

She walked back over to me and kissed me gently on the cheek. "I'll be back with Ralph," she assured me.

I caught her hand as she went to exit the room.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow." I quoted.

"Isn't it?" she murmured, eyes bright. "But this parting shall not last."

"I should hope not," I told her, then inwardly shook my head at myself. What the hell was going on with me? This gooey, cheesy sweet adolescent wasn't me. I was a man - a man who wooed women and moved on. At least, that's what movies had taught me.

Paige walked out the door backwards, still facing me, and I smiled at the sheer unadulterated silliness of it all.

I returned to my couch, replacing my head in my hands. What was I supposed to do now? I didn't know how to. . .to be someone's emotional, loving boyfriend! I knew facts and figures, and I knew most relationships wouldn't last. This would probably only serve to distract me even more. I should certainly stop this madness.

But the feeling of her mouth on mine stopped me. I wanted to feel that again and again until the day I died.

What is this sentimental bullshit? I screamed at myself. But even the screaming part of me agreed.

I know the makeout part is kinda strained. I'm not good at writing kissing stuff as I've never been kissed. . .but pity fest over, was it good? DID YOU LOVE IT? Didja hate it?

I actually hated to end it. Sooo...hopefully cya soon.

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