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Happy strolled into the garage, and I looked up from my desk. She was so gorgeous; strong; she walked with a swagger even though she'd literally just woken up. She should be slouching or complaining.

I glanced around, but none of the other guys seemed to notice the beauty sauntering around the garage. Walking towards. . .me?

"Toby," she said somewhat coldly, her voice scratchy from sleep.

"Happy," I replied.

"Sylvester," Sylvester called, and we both looked at him at the same time.

"Oh. Are we not. . .sorry." He ducked his head, textbook embarrassment, and went back to work.
Happy dumped a familiar jacket and hat on my desk. "Any particular reason these were on the floor?"

I looked over her head at Paige. She shrugged, looking lost.

"I fancied giving them the bad-boy look," I told Happy, reaching for them. She pulled them back.

"Nice try."

"Thank you!" I smiled, moving my eyes around so that her focus was drawn to then. When her focus left the clothes, I grabbed them before she could notice.

"Clever." She frowned.

"My thanks," I said. "How did you sleep?" I smirked, and her eyes narrowed. Suspicion.

"Great, thanks. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason." The feeling of her head on my shoulder flooded through me again, and I could tell my pupils were dilating. Damn.

"You never do things for 'no reason', Toby." she said wearily. Her voice speaking my name made my stand up straigher, and I committed it to memory.

"Is that so, Happy?"

"It is so," she mocked my voice.

"Hmmmm. . ." I mused. The conversation wasn't flowing well. I was running out of things to say, a common pastime with Happy.

"Build anything particularly badass lately?" I asked, cringing inwardly. God, how stupid could I get?

She raised one eyebrow. Confusion, amusement, or sarcasm?

"Oh, yeah. I built myself this super badass motorcycle the other day. I made a button that makes fire shoot out of the exhaust pipes. And another one that makes guns pop up on the handlebars."


"That's interesting." I deadpanned.

"Totally." The eyebrow went up again. A tiny smile tugged the corner of her lips. I wanted to kiss those lips immobile.

"Well," she began, and I waited. Her hand shot out and grabbed my jacket.

"Damn," I muttered. My own trick turned against me. She smirked as she put in on.

Her desire of an article of clothing of mine was kind of cute. It indicated that she was interested in me.

Happy was flirting.

I choked a little on the water I'd just picked up.

"Problem?" Happy snapped, but it was gentle compared to her usual anger. Before I could answer, she stalked back to her station.

Seeing my jacket on her was disturbingly hot.

Cute, Paige mouthed, smiling, and started up the stairs, presumably to find Walter.

The garage echoed with the banging of Happy bashing on a motor.

SORRY. My phone was taken away and I know this is a pretty crappy chapter,
And it'll probably be a few days until the next one. I'm sorry. Really. You guys deserve better.

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