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Paige and Walter? What? Sure, there'd been the hugs, and the holding hands, and the longing looks. . .

Looking back on it, I felt ridiculous that I hadn't seen this coming sooner.

But a kiss. . .a kiss changed everything.

Not that I would know.

But the novels I read, (I blushed a little, thinking about them) they all implied that once a couple kissed, that was it. They were together, as long as they kept kissing and doing. . .other things.

My face heated.

Sure, the bet with Toby. That was just for fun, to humor him and his addiction. It wasn't serious. Walter seemed way too stoic for a relationship he actually cared about. We all remembered Kat, the girl he'd actually used graphs to break up with.
Well, actually, that wasn't so ridiculous. If I'd ever had a girlfriend, before Walter tested the theory, I'd probably have thought it was a great idea.


I wondered what Megan would think. . .

I shook my head, annoyed. Why did my thoughts automatically go to her?

I thought back to that immensely crowded waiting room. Pulling up a mind-snapshot, I thought I remembered a sign - yes, there it was.
'Visitors permitted until 3 PM. Phone calls accepted until 5 PM.'

My stomach jolted. I stood up, even got ready to pick up the phone before sitting back down. What would I even say? I could ask if she was okay. . .but wasn't that a brother's job? I didn't want to be like her brother. . .

I glanced at the clock. 4:47. If I was going to call, I'd better make up my mind fast.

Before I could stop myself, I reached for the phone, dialing the number on the sign.

"Hello?" A very bored voice asked.

"R-room 205, please."

"Okay," the receptionist said, quite nasally.

"Hello?" Megan's voice floated through the phone, slightly distorted but still her.

"Megan?" I yelped, nervous already.

"That's me," she said quietly, then sniffed. "Who is this?"

"It's, um, Sylvester," I stammered. Oh lord oh God this was a bad idea. I could feel the panic coming.

"Oh hey Sly!" She perked up.

"Megan, I don't want you to die," I blurted out.


"No just listen I mean I know that you were downplaying it at the hospital I could see all the pain you were in and I just-" my voice cracked.

"Sly, listen-" she tried to say, but I continued.

"And I know a lot of random facts and figures and most of that is useless to you, but I'll never know if you're okay after death, and I know this is ridiculous because you're probably going to be okay, at least I hope so, and we barely know each other but I just really wanted to say that."

I heard a little sniff, like she was trying not to cry.

"Sylvester, I'm fine, mostly," she mumbled. "There's nothing life-threatening because of this, besides the MS, but you already knew that."

I nodded, before remembering she couldn't see me. "Yes."

"I just have a small puncture in my lung. Two of my ribs are broken, too. They're taking me off the drug that I was on for MS; all I need is bed rest." Her voice was weak, shaking.

"Okay," I whispered. "Sorry." Shame flooded me.

"Don't apologize," she assured me. "It was very sweet. I'm going to die, Sly, but so are you, and so is Toby, and so is Happy, and so's Paige. I probably won't die of this, though, so you can calm down."

I closed me eyes. Sweet. Just what every guy wants to hear. "Okay?" she asked.

"Okay," I mumbled.

"You've read TFIOS?" I could see her smile.

"Of course." I started to perk up.

"Finally, a guy who actually likes it! Walter actually called it a chick flick when I recommended it to him. I nearly threw it at his face!"

I laughed. "Walter's not a romance guy, usually."

"Where is Walter, anyway?" she questioned. My heart rate elevated.

"Um, he was upstairs with Paige, but she left. Do you want me to get him for you?"

"No, that's okay. I like talking to you." I smiled.

We discussed books and movies until 4:59, at which point I heard a very loud, obnoxious voice purr, "Say goodnight to your boyfriend now, sweetie. It's pills time!"

Megan groaned into the phone. "That's my cue. Goodnight, Sylvester."

"'Night, Megan."

Once she hung up, I realized something.

She hadn't corrected the nurse.

Raaaaaaar! Hey, guys!

I know this chapter was a little more dramatic than Sylvester usually is, but you loved it YOU LOVED IT.

I've convinced a lot of my friends to join WattPad, starting with my friend Jo, who writes from my account. That new book you may have noticed; Unfailing Love? Yup, that's her doing, and it's awesome.

My friend jakelibby101 joined too; his style is very rough and real, if you're into that.

Finally comes MOPetrie9981 who took a long time of convincing, and a little guilt. Look into him if you're an MCR fan, because so far, he's got a story on The Black Parade. Dun dun dunnnnn.

Well, that's all the advertisements for today. Sorry if they're annoying, but I'm so glad they're joining!

Well, bye for now!

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