Chapter Thirty-Six

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Benny was pacing back and forth inside the hospital room, it's been half an hour since Frida had given birth and suffered from a heart attack, he was extremely worried, he still had not received any news from her, nor did he know anything about his son. The wait was consuming him. Laura, who was sitting on the sofa, only saw Benny move incessantly which made her more stressed, Eva-Lis was in the same situation and Sygni—who had arrived a while ago— was standing in a corner with a lost look. She could feel the tension in the room.

"Benny, why don't you sit down?" Laura asked, seeing him so restless only increased her anxiety.

"I can't, Mother. I need to know about Frida," he said, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know anything about my baby either,"

"They will be fine, let's have faith."

"If I lose Frida..."

"Don't you dare Benny," Sygni interrupted him. "Don't you dare even think about it, she's a warrior and she will be fine."

Benny nodded a bit embarrassed and left the room, he felt like he was suffocating in there. Once outside, he leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and prayed internally for his beloved, saying that he was worried was not enough, he was terrified. If that happened when women gave birth then he didn't want to get Frida pregnant anymore. He put his hands on his knees, he was physically exhausted, his back was beginning to protest, he knew he should rest but he couldn't, not at least until he knew what was happening with his fiancée.

All day he had been worrying that something might go wrong and now everything seemed to be turning out for the worst. The happiness of the birth of his son was overshadowed by worry. After a while he decided to go back into the room, where Eva-Lis and Sygni exchanged words while his mother was still sitting on the sofa. Benny went and walked over to the side of her. He dropped onto the sofa, letting out a long sigh. Laura put her hand gently on his knee.

"You're good?"

"No," he answered simply.

At that moment someone gently knocked on the door, everyone became alert and fixed their eyes towards the entrance, expectant. The door opened and an older nurse entered with a small blue bundle in her arms. She walked into the room and smiled at everyone present.

"This little guy wants to meet his family," she said in a sweet voice. Both Benny and Laura quickly got up from the couch and walked over to the nurse who was carrying the new member of the Andersson family. The nurse gave the baby to Benny, he hesitated a bit but finally relented. He took his baby in his arms, he was small and warm, he had pink cheeks and long eyelashes, his little hands were sticking out of the blanket, they were tiny, his pink mouth seemed to be made with the finest brush, he definitely had Frida's curious nose and his skin was white, smooth and shiny. Benny felt his chest swell with pride and his heart soften, it was his son. His and the love of his life.

"Hi son, this is dad," he said with a smile. Everyone in the room was looking at him with heart-shaped eyes. "I'm so happy to finally have you in my arms."

Laura perched next to him and smiled as her eyes filled with tears. "He's beautiful," she murmured in amazement.

"We have already bathed and dressed him. But you can change the clothes you bring with you." The nurse added.

"Thank you very much," Benny said without taking his eyes off Colin who was fast asleep.

"It is important that he eats soon, I have been told that Miss Lyngstad will be here soon. So I suppose she can breastfeed him without any problem."

Benny looked up and looked at the nurse with anxious eyes, "really?"

"Yes," stated the nurse. "I'll be outside to watch and come back when she's here so I can help her with the baby and her feeding."

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