An Imperial reporter is assigned to cover news stories and events in Morrowind, inadvertently finding danger, adventure, and an unassuming Argonian who may or may not be the so-called "Nerevarine." Story updates every Sunday!
Luckily Pip didn't feel the need to "have an adventure" to get to Ald'Ruhn this time. We walked out of [REDACTED]'s home and made a bee-line to the local mages' guild, which I'd like to remind you that Pip was an esteemed member of. I attributed the non-adventure to us being totally burned out and worn down by the past few days. Pip, just having returned from the northern coast where he apparently robbed things from a local burial cavern, and myself who spent the last three weeks drunk and disoriented as could be without dying in the process. Neither of us wanted "an adventure" and gladly walked to the mages' guild to be teleported there.
"My name Pip. Me a member. Me and friend go to Ald'Ruhn," Pip said.
The lady acting as "guild guide" -- the one that actually operated the teleporting device -- said, "Pip?! You don't need to mention your name around here: we all know about you! You're famous! Why, I'll teleport you and your, uh, rather scummy friends wherever you need to go, free of charge!" And in the blink of an eye after stepping into some strange arched contraption were spirited off towards the Ald'Ruhn mages' guild.
It's hard to describe how this felt because it was nothing like I had ever felt before. Pip and I stepped into a circular thing, the "guild guide" said a few cryptic words, and we were off. Although I don't know what "off" really means here. It felt like I was crushed to the size of a pinpoint and was hurtled off via catapult to somewhere else in The Mundus. Time existed but also seemed to not matter much. At one point I was me as I could describe it, and the next I was just something in The Mundus being hurtled across time and space, almost like a ball being quickly, violently, and recklessly thrown across existence. And catching me on the other end was the guild guide in Ald'Ruhn and her contraption. She opened her ball-catching glove and carefully caught particle me and Pip carefully (as carefully as you could expect given the circumstances) and pulled us out of space-time. And like that we were back in our normal bodies miles away from where we started a fraction of a second ago. And now what would we do?
Pip basically knew the way we had to go, but I consulted my map anyways. Fort Buckmoth was located a short distance south of Ald'Ruhn and was only a twenty minute walk through the barren ashlands to get there. Luckily, the road from the fort to the city, being a relatively important road, was well protected by both the local House Redoran guards and the Imperial Legion. No dangerous animals or bandits threatened our short walk.
It seemed that most of the Imperial forts on Vvardenfell were designed by the same man or committee who had found a utilitarian enough building design and simply copy and pasted it anywhere they needed a fort. The layout, while differing slightly from Fort Moonmoth outside Balmora, was still basically the same design. High, defensible walls surrounded the perimeter while the interior consisted of a singular monolithic building containing all the real implements of the fort. Flags displaying the banner of the Dragon of Talos waved from each tower placed at the corners of the main building and on the walls. A few archers looked at Pip and I curiously as we walked through the outer walls heading towards the fort itself. No one cared as we were as unthreatening as an elderly merchant with a wagon.
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