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it was late sunday evening. namjoon sat in yoongi's studio reading over the lyrics of a song he was writing. both boys always had a passion for music while growing up, yoongi actually took up on his dream while namjoon couldn't. he still writes from time to time as a hobby but never actually thought about debuting as an artist or trying to produce music for others.

yoongi tapped his pencil on his desk as he waited for namjoon to finish reading. namjoon skimmed over the lyrics, feeling the emotion yoongi put into each word. the song was for hoseok. his boyfriend of 5 years, soon to be 6.

he wanted to make an anniversary present for his love and wanted the help of his bestfriend. when namjoon was finally done, he gave his feedback, tweaking some parts here and there. that's when the question popped up in his head.

"hyung, i have question." namjoon said while leaning back. yoongi eyes him from his seat before shrugging and dropping his pencil.

"if i answer this, you have to answer my question, kid." yoongi said while looking at the brunette. namjoon shrugged and asked his question.

"why haven't you told hoseok about you being basically a leader in the mafia yet. it's about to be 6 years now and i'm pretty sure he would be livid if he found out." namjoon said making the older look down. yoongi sighed knowing he should have been told him but still doesn't want to.

"he's the only innocent thing i have in my life joon. i want him to stay that way. that's why i kept this side of my life away from him. i don't want to put him in any type of danger. i couldn't live with myself if i found out he was always in constant danger because of me." yoongi said while running his hands through his black hair.

"i understand that completely, that's one of the main reasons why i try everything in my power to keep your name under-locks. i wouldn't want him to find out from someone else or by reading something but i think it'd be best if you told him. you don't have to listen to me at all, it's your life but please don't take this in through one ear and out the other." namjoon looked at the older who nodded slowly. yoongi knew he had to tell him soon, but he didn't know when. he didn't want to let that ball of sunshine become dull because of him.

"i will, soon. now, you remember at the get together we had for the mafia leaders in all of east asia. the message you got. who was it?" yoongi asked, ready to be relieved from the curiosity. he wondered who it was who made a cold hearted man like namjoon smile like that.

"ahh, had a feeling you were going to ask that. a man by the name of seokjin. something about him just warms me. i've sorta known him for about a month now and we have a date." namjoon says looking at the man. yoongi perked up hearing the name 'seokjin' he looked at namjoon who had a small smile while looking off to the side.

"you don't happen to mean kim seokjin, owner of coffeehouse, do you?" yoongi asked, looking worriedly at the man. namjoon tilted his head to the side before mumbling a quick yes.

"that's hoseok's best friend, he's also a close friend of mine as well. look kid, he's been hurt. i hate seeing him sad just about as much as i hate seeing you sad. you haven't had a serious relationship since jimin. don't take this as me saying all you do is play around but you are kind of a heartbreaker. and i will be livid if i see him crying behind you. i already had to deal with him crying behind some lowlife who didn't deserve him. please don't hurt him. he's a pure hearted person and has never wronged anyone."

namjoon nods slowly taking in the words of his bestfriend. he didn't want to hurt seokjin. he couldn't hurt seokjin. he knew he was a heartbreaker, he didn't try to be one it's just he has a tendency to get bored of people fast. but he didn't feel as he would get bored of seokjin. namjoon knew there was more to his shy demeanor. he knew that that was just a cover up. he had more to him then just a pretty face...

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