Chapter 10

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Maya's POV

The plane ride wasn't that long actually, I was prepared for a 20 hour flight but it felt like 30 minutes. It was a private jet, which didn't really surprise me. I know our principal has money. I guess it felt shorter since I fell asleep. It was almost 8pm when I read the letter and I didn't even bother to grab my phone when we drove to Mr Woods's house.

Stepping out of the plane another type of cold hits me in the face. Definitely a snow storm. I don't even know where we are but the sun is out and the snow is thick on the ground.

There isn't much conversation going around. Mr Reynolds and Mr Woods talked but I didn't bother to listen and Lily slept almost the entire flight.

We walk out onto the runway and is met with two black SUV's. We get in and start to drive. The whole way wherever we were going, I fiddle with the necklace in my hand and the letter in the other. I don't even know what I am going to say or do. Everything happened so quickly, maybe to quickly. Mr and Mrs Reynolds didn't even object to me going and they came with as if it was the most normal thing. Lily seemed so eager just to get away. She likes to travel and any opportunity to get away from town is an adventure.

Looking out the window I saw a few Spanish flags hanging around. Are we in Spain? That kind of makes sense. Alex lived in Spain with her mother all these years. Oh gosh I am going to meet her mother.

About an hour of complete silence we were driving through the woods, far away from the last town we went through. My eyes land on a big set of gates and it immediately opens up. We drive further down the road for almost half an hour. Small houses start to appear with people working in the fields and in the little shops they had. Everyone kept staring at the cars that drove by. Where the hell are we?

We reach another set of gates and this time when it opens up my eyes land on a castle. "What the hell is this?" I whisper to myself.

"This is my home Maya" Mr Woods says from the front seat and my heart stops.

"A castle?"

"Yes Maya but we can talk about that later." He laughs.

We come to a stop around a big fountain. For some reason there is no snow here but it's still cold. Gosh I hate winter.

We step out and my jaw drops. This place is huge.

"Fucking hell" Lily yells in awe. "This place is amazing"

"Come let's go" Mr Woods says grabbing onto my arm a little aggressively but I don't say anything. There are a big set of stairs leading up to a big set of doors. And all the way up there are two lines of guards with spears. I feel all eyes on me as we walk but they bow in respect to Mr Woods.

We quickly walk up the stairs and through the doors. I hear Mr Woods take a deep breath of relief. "What the hell was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing, we are safe in here" he smiles.

"We weren't saf-"

"Darling you're home!" I hear a beautiful voice chant from a distance and I look to where the sound was coming from. Across the room is a woman with a beautiful red dress. Her hair is just like Alex's and her eyes just as blue. Now I know where she gets her looks from. This must be her mother.

She comes forward with arms stretched out wide. "This must be the beautiful Maya" she says pulling me into a hug. "Welcome to our home honey" she squeals.

"Selena not now. She has a bit of anger inside and we need Alex so she can direct it towards her" Mr Woods says taking her away from me.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs Woods and thank you for welcoming me to your rather shockingly massive house" I smile. "And yes I need Alex. Is she here?"

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