Part 3

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Third's POV

CJ and Harriet Hook the daughters of Captain Hook and the siblings of Harry Hook were walking to Ursula's Fish and Chip Shop and people were screaming and running away as they saw the sisters and saw a fisher getting fish and the sister grabbed the fish. As they walked in and put there swords way and saw Gil's brother Gaston the Third and Gaston Jr. Then Mad Maddy the granddaughter of Madam Mim and saw Mal and throw food at the TV and said " Poser." then Harriet and CJ said " Traitor!" then Maddy looked at her crew and said " Hello?" then her crew throw food at the TV and CJ said " Oh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces. You know what I mean?" Maddy looked at the Gil's brother and said " Gaton the Third and Gaston Jr! You guys want to quit choking down yolks and get with the program?" then brother's looked at each other and said " Yeah. What they said." then Maddy looked at her crew and said " That little traitor, who left us in the dirt." then then Harriet said " Who turned her back on evil." then Gaton Jr said " Who said you weren't big or bad enough to be in her gang. Back when we were kids. Come on, you guys remember. She called her Shrimpy, and the name just kind of... stuck." he stopped and looked at the crew and Maddy said " That snooty little witch, who grabbed everything she wanted and left me nothing." then Gaston Jr said " No, she left you that sandbox, and then she said that you could have the shrimp--" then Maddy looked at Gaston Jr said " I need you to stop talking." then Harriet said " Look, we have her turf now. They can stay in Bore-adon." then Maddy looked at her and said " Harriet, that's her turf now! And I want it, too. We should not be getting her leftovers. Daughters of Hook, sons of Gaston, and me, most of all, granddaughter of Madam Mim! What's my name?" she looked at CJ and Harriet and both of then said " Maddy!" then she looked at Gaston the Third and Gaston Jr and then said " Maddy?" then Maddy looked at her crew and said " What's my name? What's my name?" then the crew yelled " Maddy" 

(pretend that the crew said Maddy and Gaston Jr and Gaston the Third sings Harry's part and "Hook me" is CJ and Harriet Hook say it)  

After they all sing Ursula said " Shut your clams!" then Maddy yelled "Ursula!" then Usrula said "These dishes ain't gonna wash themselves!" then Maddy said " It's fine. It's fine. 'Cause when I get my chance to rain down the evil on Auradon, I will take it! They're gonna forget that girl and remember the name--" then Gaston Jr said " Shrimpy!" then Maddy looked at Harriet and CJ and they said " Mm-hmm." then Gaston Jr said " Ah." And took him outside.

Mal's POV   

Me and Ben were have a picnic and I said " Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" then Ben said " Yes, please. Mmm! This is the best thing I've ever had." then I said " So, you like it?"then Ben said " I more than like it. I, uh... mmm-- so like it."  then I said " Beef ragout?" then Ben said "Yeah. This is amazing." then I said " Did I surprise you?" then Ben said " Oh, yeah, you surprised me. This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents." then Ben said " What did it take you? Three days?" then I said " You know, don't even ask me." then Ben said " Yeah. Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially with all the craziness you've been put through. I've missed you. We don't get much time to be just us anymore."  then I said " I know." then Ben said " You can't take me anywhere, right?" then I said " Uh..." then Ben said " Do you have a-- Do you have a napkin or something?" then I said " I do! I packed some." then Ben looked in the basket and said " Oh, there is--" then I said " I think I stowed them away. I can grab them." then Ben pulled out my spell book and said " What's this? then I said " I actually threw that in there super last-minute in case it rained or--" then Ben intercepted and said " "Speed reading" spell. "Blonde hair" spell. "Cooking" spell. And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best." then I said " Take back this moment that has passed. Return it-- Reverse it--" then Ben yelled at me and said " Are you trying to spell me right now?!" then I said " Ben, it has been so hard for me!" then Ben said ' Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?" then I said " No!" then Ben said " I thought we were doing this together!" then I said " Ben, we are in this together." then Ben said " But we're not, Mal. We're not. Y-You've been keeping secrets and lying to me. I thought we were done with that. This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Mal." then I looked at him and said " Yeah. Believe me, I know that!" then Ben said " Then why are you doing this?" then I said almost crying " Because... I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben. I'm not one of those ladies from the Court. I'm a big fake, okay? I'm fake. This is fake. This is fake. Take this feast, this sumptuous meal, return it back to what is real. This is who I really am." As I said waving a finger as I did a spell and turn it back to PB&J then Ben said " Mal." then I said " No. No." then Ben yelled " Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite!"

Mal's POV

I went to my, Evie, Uma and Emily's dorm and I but back my purple outfit and I said as I cried " I don't belong here." then I said " Okay. Okay. Okay." then I went to a cage with my mother and said " Let's blow this popsicle stand. Yeah?" just then the door opened and I saw Uma with her blue outfit and she said " you are going back to the Isle aren't you" I nodded and she said " i'm comming" then I said " no, you not going" then Uma said " if you coming i'm coming" then I had no choice and we both went outside and both went to our bikes and we ride to the to the beach and I opened my spell book and said " Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere" I close the book and I both nodded and we ride to the isle and I said " Okay. Whew." people moved out of our way and I notices a poter of me and Ben. Crossed out both of us and I ripped the poster apart and I thow it onto the ground and me and Uma went to our secret hide out.            

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