Part 5

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Emily's POV

We were going in the limo and Ben said " Jay, keys. Remote." then I and Evie said " Wait! Something's wrong." the boys looked at us and Evie adjusted Ben's blue hat then I said " There." then I said a voice and it said " Shotgun!" then Carlos said " No, Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous." we all turned and looked shocked and Harry said " Did he just..." the Carlos said " Talk? Yeah. I know. Tell you later." then Gil said " Okay, once we cross the bridge park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?" then Ben said, " Got it." We were at the Isle and Harry said " Ben, help me with the tarp." Ben help with the tarp then Ben said " Jay?" then Jay said " Yeah?" then Ben pointed to the tarp and said " I got it." then Evie looked at me and said " It's really weird being back here." then I looked at her said " We'll get in and get out." then Carlos said " Jay!" he finished with the tarp then Ben walked away and looked to a tunnel and Ben said " Hey, what's in here?" then Harry said " Ben!" then I said " You don't want to know." then as we walked Carlos said " Hey, guys. Keep it chill, all right? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." Jay, Evie, Harry, Gil, and Carlos all nodded but I didn't because I wanted to see my dad. We all walked down I saw lots of people and then I heard Evie said " Hey! Hey! Stop." I looked and I saw kids fighting about money and Evie said " Just take it." she looked at them and walked with me. Then we lost Ben and we saw him talking to a man and I said " Ben, stop. Just stop." then Carlos said " Hey, man!" then Ben said " Why?" then Evie said " This isn't a parade. It's the Isle." Jay said " Keep your hands in your pockets, unless you're stealing" then Carlos said " You either slouch or strut." then Gil and Harry said " And never, ever smile." then Ben said " Okay, thanks." the Evie cut him off and said " No!" then I said " No "thank you's," and drop the "please," too." then Evie said, " Just... chill."

Emily, Evie

♪ Let me tell you something
you can really trust ♪

♪ Everybody's got
a wicked side ♪

♪ I know you think that
you could never be like us ♪

♪ Watch and learn
so you can get it right ♪


♪ You need to drag your feet ♪

♪ You need to nod your head ♪

♪ You need to lean back ♪

♪ Slip through the cracks ♪

♪ You need to not care ♪

CARLOS: Uh, you need
to not stare.

♪ You need a whole lotta help ♪


You need to not be yourself.

♪ You wanna be cool ♪

♪ Let me show you how ♪

♪ Need to break the rules ♪

♪ I can show you how ♪

♪ And once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ Yeah, once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ You'll be chillin', chillin' ♪

♪ Oh ♪


♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Chillin' like ♪

♪ Chillin' like ♪

♪ Hey! ♪ - ♪ A villain ♪

Evie, Emily

♪ You draw attention
when you act like that ♪

♪ Let us teach you
how to disappear ♪

♪ You look like you would
lose a fight to an alley cat ♪

♪ You gotta be wrong
to get it right 'round here ♪


(YOWLS) -♪ You need
to watch your back ♪

♪ You need to creep around ♪

♪ You need
to slide real smooth ♪

♪ Don't make a sound ♪

♪ And if you want it, take it ♪

♪ And you can't take it,
break it ♪

♪ If you care
about your health ♪

Evie, Emily:

Seriously, you need
to not be yourself.

♪ You wanna be cool ♪

♪ Let me show you how ♪

♪ Need to break the rules ♪

♪ I can show you how ♪

♪ And once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ Yeah, once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ You'll be chillin', chillin' ♪

♪ Oh ♪


♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like ♪


♪ I really wanna be bad a lot ♪

♪ And I've giving it
my best shot ♪

♪ But it's hard
being what I'm not ♪

Gil, Carlos:

Well, if you don't
you're gonna get us caught.

Evie, Emily:

♪ He's right,
we gotta stay low-key ♪

♪ Now show us how bad
you can be ♪


Like this? -♪ Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Like this?


Oh, yeah, I think I got this.

Let's go,
I'm ready to rock this.

♪ And I ain't gonna thank you
for your help ♪


♪ I think I found
the worst in myself ♪

♪ You wanna be cool ♪

♪ Let me show you how ♪

♪ Need to break the rules ♪

♪ I can show you how ♪

♪ And once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ Yeah, once you catch
this feeling ♪

♪ You'll be chillin', chillin' ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪

♪ Chillin' ♪ - Hey!

♪ Chillin' like a villain ♪ 

After we all done Ben was still dancing then he bunt two people and they said " Hey, man. Hey Hey, I know you!" then Ben was trying to play cool and said " Uh, no. Don't know you, either, guys" then the two people said " Uh, yeah, you do. Come on, man. Really? Huh? Dude, I'll give you a hint. My dad is quick, slick and his neck...Huh? Is incredibly thick. Come on, man. I know... Huh? Huh." both of then looked at him and said "Huh? Huh." then they gasped and said " Oh! You're King Ben!" then I said " Okay, let's go." we ran and they said " Yeah, yeah, you totally are King Ben, and you're J-Jay, Carlos, Evie, Emily, Harry and little bro. Hey, guys. Oh, Maddy's gonna love this!" we all went to our secret hideout and Jay throws a rock and Ben said " Wish me luck." then Harry and Jay said " All the way up." then I and Evie said " Good luck." as Ben was out of sight I heard a familiar voice and it said " hello my angel" I look forward and I saw my dad and I run up to him and hugged him and his kissed my forehead and said, " why are you here?" I lied and said " I missed you and father says hi" then he said " I will take to you later and we can catch up, understand" I nodded and walk back to my friends and I waved to him and he waved back and walked away. Then Ben came down and and Evie said " So? Where's Mal and Uma?" then Ben said " There not coming back." then I said " What?" then Evie looked at me and said " We'll talk to them." then Evie said " M, Uma? Mal, Uma it's Evie and Emily. Let us just talk to you guys for a second. Mal, Uma come on." then Mal said " Go away!" then Harry said " Let's give them a couple of hours to cool off." then Carlos said " Guys! Where's Ben?" we all looked at the alleyway and I said " Ben?" then Evie said " Ben!" then we all saw a finger-walking in our way and we all sighed and I said " Ben, don't scare us like that." the all of the sudden two fingers were walking our way and one of then said " Don't scare you?" then another one said " But that's my specialty." then we all saw CJ and Harriet Hook and Jay said " Harriet, CJ. What did you guys do with Ben?" then they looked at each other and Harriet said " Oh, uh, we nicked him Mm-hmm. Yeah. And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Maddy wants a little visit." then CJ looked at me and said " Aw, Emily. Seems like you've lost your touch." I wanted to punch her and said " Hey!" as I lungs forwards. But Evie stopped at me and said " Em!" then the sisters laugh and both turned and walked together we all looked at each and walked to see Mal and Uma.     

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