Part 7

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Emily's POV

Me, Evie, Uma, and Mal were all walking to Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye. As we all walked in I saw Victoria working on her song and Dizzy working on a bracelet. Me and Evie both gasp and we but our fingers to our lips and Mal and Uma nodded and we all walked up to the young girls and me and Evie bent down to their height and Victoria said " Emily? Emily, you came back!" we hugged and I said "Hi" then Dizzy turned to me and hugged me and Victoria asked me all lot of questions about Auradon and she said " We saved you songbook for you" the I said " You did?" then ran and gave me my songbook and I looked at it and said, " I wrote this song about my family" we all nodded and then Dizzy said to Evie " We saved your sketchbook for you," the Evie said " You did?" then Dizzy ran to the cash register and grabbed a book and place it on the table and Evie opened it and said " I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins." then Dizzy and Vicky said " It reminds me of the dress you made for Mal when she met Jasmine." then Mal said " I spilled curry all over that." we all agreed and Vicky said " I knew it! You can take the girl out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the girl." then I saw her song and I grabbed it and I read it and said " you wrote this" she nodded and I said " it's perfect but add some about your friends and family"

Third's POV

Harry, Gil, Jay and Carlos went back to there dorm and Carlos to dude said " Oh, I'm sorry I'm so late, Dude. Ben got captured." then they stopped and Harry said " Why is our door open" they all looked in shocked then the walked into the dorm and they saw Chad and Gil said " you got to be kidding me?" Chad turned around and said " I knocked" Carlos set Dude down and Harry took out his hand and Chad gave the key back. Then Jay said " what is that?" then Chad " it's a Chad action finger" he zoomed it across there faces and said " well, minuses the head" then Carlos said " sounds like improvement" then Gil said " excuse me" Gil push Chad out of the way and Carlos gaped his phone and pulled an app showing the Fairy Godmother's Magic Wand. Then Chad said " why are you guys making Fairy Godmother's wand?" then Harry said "why are we making Fairy Godmother's wand?" then Jay said " because uh..." then Dude said " Ben's been captured" all of then looked at Dude then Chad said " what?" the Chad said " Dude can talk" then Carlos said " I was stalling" the Dude said " I thought you forgot" then Jay said " don't , tell anyone, Ben's life dependents on it" then Chad said " really, if something were to happened you, know what i'm saying" then Gil " something will bad, we get it" then Chad went on about being king. Then Harry said " is it me or a really poor tasty" then Carlos moved his head and Harry was at the door and Chad walk out and said " if you think i'm..." he was cut off and Carlos said " thank you, harry" Carlos was getting ready of the wand.         

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