Part 8

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Emily's POV

We were all getting smokes bombs then Uma said " got it" then I said " that makes five smoke bombs" then Mal said " OK, I think that's enough right?" we all agree and then Evie said " M, Emily, Uma how amazing will this look with my shredded tee and my heart purse?" we all commented and Dizzy said " take it, take a bunch" then Evie said "oh, Dizzy" then Victoria grabbed some stuff and I said to her " I will come back and bring you to Auradon, I promise" she nodded and we hugged and then I heard Evie said " I really wish I can take you with me" then Dizzy turned to me and I hugged her and she hugged back and Mal and Uma said " E, Em we got to go" we both nodded and we started to walk out then Mal said to Evie and me " they will be OK" then we both said " yeah, but they can be so much more" then we looked at them for the last time and Uma said " let's go" we all nodded and walked out of the shop.

We were all walking down to our hideout and we were having a conversation. Then I saw my dad and I walked to him and said " what do want?" he took me away to another alley way and said " I thought you said that you miss me?" I looked down and I said " King Ben got captured by Maddy and her pirates." then he said " what's for ram some?" then I said " the magic wand" the was shooked and then he said " so, what are you guys going to do?" then I said "a phony wand" then I said " I did miss you but if I told you that we were here form Mal. You will tell there parents and have them go back to there old ways" at this time I was on the verge of crying and I fell someone hugging me and I saw my dad and I hugged back and to my shook he said " I will come with you and watch you guys stand up with Maddy and her crew" I nodded and said " be at pirates bay no later than noon" he nooded and I waved to him and walked back to the hideout.

Third's POV

Harry, Gil, Jay and Carlos were all asleep and the beep and they woked up and Jay said " guys" the said " what?" they all saw the wand and Gil said " not bad" then Harry said " let's go" they all nodded and walked out of the dorm then Dude said "hey guys, what about me?" then Carlos said " no, Dude you say i'm serious stay" then Dude growned and they walk off and the were about to leave when Doug said " oh, hey, have you scene Evie" then Carlos said " she went camping" then Doug said " Evie, I want to live in a castle, sleeping on a ground with no place to plug in a hairdryer" then they all looked at each other and Harry said " you know how spontaneous she is bro" they turned away to Doug and they were about to leave when Lonnie can with swords and said "i'm coming with you guys" then they all laugh awkwardly and then Jay said " we don't need sword and at waffel hute" they all looked at Jay and Lonnie said " you're going to the isle to rescue Ben, either you take me or I'm goning to tell Fairy Godmother" then all agreed and Lonnie walk with the boys.                     

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