𝟣𝟨 | The Maid

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I didn't talk to Mr. LaRasso after that night. In fact, I didn't even see him for the rest of the day. I didn't see him coming back from work when I was in the garden. Somehow I was thankful for that.

I cut the veggies and kept them aside when I got a call from Ria. That suddenly made my day. I hadn't talked to her for many days. So I quickly received the call.

"Hey! Ria how you doing? It's been so long!" I squealed.

"Hey. I'm good. Tell me about you," she spoke. But something was off about her. She seemed too calm and worried.

"I'm good too. What happened to your voice? Everything okay?" I asked with full concern.

"Ah yeah. Actually I needed to tell you something," she spoke from the other side.

"Yeah tell me,I'm listening," I said now focusing fully on her.

"You remember the men who are yet to get the money from you?" She asked.

"Yes, what about them?" I asked calmly but inside I was getting scared. All the negative thoughts came rushing to my mind.

"Yeah so those people came together today morning and they made a huge chaos in front of my dad's godown,where you used to live. I don't think they are going back without getting their money," she said and I sensed the nervousness in her tone.

"What? Oh God!" I ran my hand through my hair as I didn't know what to do at that moment. I wasn't even allowed to go outside of this mansion. And the big fact is , I didn't even have money. It's been only few days since I worked here.

"I know but listen I called Giovanni. He can handle this situation now," she added in a hurry, not wanting me to panic anymore. But what she didn't know was, I got more panicked with that.

"You called who? Giovanni? He works for Mr. LaRasso! Now what if he gets to know about the mess? What will they think about me?" I became more worried about what the people will think about me because I didn't want them to assume that it was me who took loan from some drunk people. Also I didn't want them to know about my terrible past which I was trying hard to run away from.

"That's not then time to think what people will think Bells! We need to calm these people down. Also I don't think it's safe but it would be better if you come here because they don't seem to leave without getting their money back. Giovanni would be here any minute too. Can you come?" She asked.

"Me? I want to come but I don't think Mr. LaRasso would let me. And I don't have money now," I said, I was at the verge of crying as I paced around in the kitchen. I saw Sara standing there as she watched me with worried expression. I sent her a nervous smile before looking away. I didn't want anyone to worry about my stupid messed up life.

"I can give them money if you want," she said but I clearly didn't want that.

"No! I have got an idea! I can talk to Mr. LaRasso and ask him to give my salary earlier! He would help me right?" I wasn't sure about him giving me my salary earlier but at that point,he was my only hope.

"Okay then go, talk to him!" She said. I quickly cut the call.

"What happened, Bella? What money you are talking about?" She said, her face showed worry for me.

"Nothing. You don't worry Sara," I said to calm her down when I,myself was a total mess.

"Why shouldn't I worry? It's clearly not "nothing"! Why do you have to talk to Mr. LaRasso?" She kept asking and I knew she wouldn't stop until she got the answers so I told her about my father's debt.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now