𝟤𝟩 | The Maid

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I took a deep breathe, inhaling Bella's sweet scent as her naked body was pressed against mine. My arms tightened around her naked waist, pulling her closer to me. We fit each other like missing puzzles, perfect in the most imperfect way possible.

I looked down to see her eyes were closed, but she was awake, breathing me in and taking my breathe away everytime I looked at her. She was drawing small patters on my naked chest with her fingers, making my cock erect with her every fucking touch. I traced my fingers up over her naked back to her soft hair, grazing her scalp. Bella seemed to like it as she pressed her body more into me letting out a soft moan. I could see a little smile on her face as I looked down which made me stare at her in awe. So perfect. I placed a soft kiss on her temple before resting my chin on her head while my fingers played with her hair.

I was so fucking addicted to Bella like a love-sick puppy. I almost cringed at the thought but that's how I became now and it was so hard to deny the fact. I became addicted to her soft voice, the way she talked, the way she breathed, the depth of her soul, the way her plump lips would curve up in a smile, she was so gentle, so different from me. Everytime I closed my eyes, I would see a sparkle in her eyes everytime she smiled. I would do anything to see that smile on her face forever.  Surprisingly Bella could calm the storm inside me without even trying. With her, I never felt lonely. I felt relief. She halted my thoughts and the war inside my mind while slowly chasing away the devil on my shoulders.

I stared up at the ceiling. My lips curved up into a smile when the memories from a few hours ago flashed into my mind. I tasted Bella, her sweet taste. I kissed her with my everything. And she kissed me back, kissed my demons, chasing the darkness away that I was surrounded by. Was that even possible? Bella was so maddening, she was becoming my favourite drug, my head between her legs was going to be my favourite place.

I didn't admit it, but the way she pronounced my name was so addicting, like no one else ever said my name before. It was like she invented a new me everytime she called me by my name. I fucking loved that.

I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted her eyes on me, only on me.

"Princess." I whispered.

She didn't look up, her fingers stopped drawing patters on my chest as she acted like she was asleep. I chuckled softly. Oh my little minx she was. I would love to play with her but I wanted her attention now.

My index finger slowly traced the curvature of her spine, sure to leave a trail of goosebumps behind. Despite her best attempt to pretend she was asleep, she trembled at my featherlight touch, not being able to contain her reaction. I loved how she reacted to my simple touches. I would make sure she would only react to me this way, I would make sure no men come near her. I would cut off their dicks and shove it down their throats if needed.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now