𝟤𝟪 | The Maid

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I rubbed the small cloth over the smooth surface of the kitchen counter, an attempt to clean it, but my mind was somewhere else. Lucifer. He always owned my mind, he was everywhere in my head since the night we spent together two days ago. Since the night I revealed my truth. The truth no one else knew. No one knew my own father killed my own mother. Not even Ria knew. Lucifer, so easily, weaved his way into my heart, my mind, my soul. Even if the darkness blinded us, he would never leave my side. I started to believe it. What we share was sweet but untamed and wild. He left his mark on my soul and I wanted to leave mine in his. So that, he could be mine. I wanted to make him mine, I wanted him to know my secrets, I wanted him to help me run away from hell. I wanted to know his secrets, I wanted to hold him to me.

His careless dismissal, his beautiful blue eyes. They make me want to spill all my dark secrets. I was taken aback at the thought because I never wanted anyone to see that dark side of mine, that needy hole inside of me. Even sometimes, I hated seeing myself in the mirror. But I let him see that, I let him know my dark secret, the guilt of my life that kept chasing me in my dreams. How crazy is that?

I had grown addicted to him like no other drugs. And I knew there was no rehab that could take me out of the influence of that drug. His drug. He was my drug. Sounds crazy but it was fact.

"Too lost somewhere?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a deep male voice. I flinched and quickly turned around to come face to face with Marco. His hands were in his pockets and ankles were crossed as he leaned against the kitchen door. I wouldn't deny he was attractive. He was handsome but completely different from Lucifer. Instead, he seemed a little softer but the family resemblance was strong and powerful.

He cocked his eyebrows, questioning me. "I know I'm handsome and girls easily fall for me but I think I need a little privacy from your eyes. I don't want Lucifer to have my neck." He joked.

I quickly diverted my eyes as heat crept on my cheeks. I started to clean the surface again when he talked.

"Hey I was kidding,okay?" He defended himself. I looked up and gave him a small smile before nodding.

"You need something here?" I asked.

"Nope." He scratched the back of his neck, which seemed like an act of nervousness, before speaking. "I was just passing by the kitchen. Thought I could give you a company while you were working."

Leia and Sara were already done with their works. Though they wanted to help me with mine, I insisted them to go and sleep. I was capable enough to do my own work.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now