𝟤𝟧 | The Maid

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I rubbed my arms, trying to warm myself from the brittle cold of night. The night sky was clear and deep. I looked up to find myself fascinated by the beauty of silvery moon dotted with the dark blue night sky. The naughty stars are running around the moon, playing and chasing. A small star twinkling brightly with light, mischievously squinting hello to me. The stars are like sly pearls that adorns the dark blue night in the most gorgeous way, like a beautiful painting.

The stars will hold the moon tonight and the bright moon won't be alone. Not like me.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air mixed with the smell of trees and nature, trying to calm my aching chest and searching for redemption.

You are so beautiful, Bella

The deep sensual voice rang in my ears like a prayer. I opened my eyes and quickly looked around to catch a glimpse of the ocean blue eyes. I found myself being surprised by the new found excitement and happiness to see him again. What was happening to me?

Since Lucifer told me to wait in the garden, I couldn't wait for the night to arrive. Every second was feeling like hours. Here I was, in the garden waiting for him for last one hour.

Lucifer had awakened the sweet echoes inside of me that I never knew I would feel. I endured pain for years, I still do. Misery has always been a part of my life. The pain of loosing my close one, the guilt of not being able to protect my mother from my drunk father, her cries, the memories of my father being livid to me always haunt me. They are attached to every part of my body and mind, reminding me how pathetic I am. Days after days, heartbreak after heartbreak, until my heart was tattered into pieces.

You are so beautiful

It wasn't so much, yet my heart fluttered at the thought of him, the same heart that had been silent for the longest time. The way he looked at me, the way he spoke, his touches, it was almost like a renewed hope. He was making me feel the things I wanted to feel. I was hurting but still so devoted in the heart by his thoughts.

I headed upstairs, closing the glass door of the garden behind me and entered my room, practically rushed inside my room. I stood in front of the mirror, trying to find what part of me was beautiful to him. I ran my fingers through my hair to settle it properly and rubbed my fingers over my pale skin. I wanted to look good for him. I wanted him to see me beautiful.

I opened the drawer and pulled out a small bag of my makeup, it wasn't much but I will work with that. I put lip balm on my lips to make them look better and added eyeliner. When I was done with my makeup, I looked at myself in the mirror, only lip balm and eyeliner. I brushed my hair perfectly, letting them fall free on my back and gave a final glance at myself before walking over to my bed. I sat at the edge of my bed, tapping my feet slightly on the floor.

Even though my heart was aching, I felt strangely empty inside but Lucifer was slowly filling the void in me. He made my aching heart calm and peaceful everytime he was around. I wanted to feel more of that. What if it helps me escape my worst memories?

I waited, my fingers played with the edge of my dress. Would Lucifer come? He said he would meet me in the garden. Did he forget already? I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it's already too late. I sighed and looked away. He must have forgotten. He was a busy man and has a lot of stuff to handle. And here I was, waiting for him for hours thinking that he would keep his words. I brought my knees to my chest, folding my arms around them and rested my chin over my arms as I waited for him. Maybe I should wait for few more minutes. Then I'll go back to sleep.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now