𝟤𝟤 | The Maid

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The sunlight slowly made it's way into my room through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the vision. I looked at the clock on my side table to see it was 7AM. Slowly sitting up on my bed, I put my head on the headboard before closing my eyes again.

Last night, I didn't have any bad dreams. Last night was something I didn't expect. I felt embarrassing for a moment that Mr. LaRasso got to see that vulnerable and pathetic side of me again. But instead of taking any advantage of me, he calmed me down with sweet words. I never expected this from him. Even for a little moment, I felt peace, happy, euphoric. I admit I was scared of him, but his kindness, gentleness warmed me. I didn't know what this feelings are, whether this too was a dream.

My hand went up as I rubbed my forehead with my fingers, thinking about the moments when he kissed me there softly as if he was afraid that I would get hurt. Sometimes, even thinking about him made my heart flutter which is wrong,isn't it? I should never feel this way for him, I reminded myself that I was just a maid in his eyes. And he just helped me for humanity, he was just being good to me.

Slowly getting up from my bed, I headed towards the bathroom for my morning routine. Changing my clothes, I walked down and headed towards kitchen.

"Good morning, Sara!" I smiled as I entered the kitchen while Sara just started to prepare breakfast.

"Good morning sweety!" She responded, going back to her work.

"Sara, can I make the breakfast today?" I asked nervously, drawing patters on the smooth surface of counter with my fingers. She looked at me with amusement as she smiled warmly.

"Sure! Why not? If you want, you can make breakfast today," she said.

I gave her the biggest smile I could ever give and ran towards her before hugging her from the back. I was never good at making food. When I was little, I used to cook for myself and my father. But my father never had dinner at home,so all the time, I used to eat alone. Not to mention, I used to cook the exact same dish everyday, rice and simple curry. I got bored of eating the same dish everyday but never had the courage to tell my father to bring some vegetables. Since I was working in this mansion, I got to eat different kinds of dishes and I learned a lot about cooking from Sara.

"I'm thousand percent sure!" I exclaimed while taking the pan from her. She happily handed me the responsibility while patting my back softly.

After making the breakfast, Leia helped me to serve the breakfast on the table for the men, including Mr. LaRasso. I didn't know why or how, but I was excited to see Mr. LaRasso.

When everyone started eating their breakfast after serving, I and Leia stood at the corner of the room. I took my time to look at Mr. LaRasso who was eating the breakfast I made while being busy on his phone.

Dark brown hair, slicked back perfectly, sharp eyebrows, pointed nose, angelic lips, sharp jawline. His thick lips formed into a thin line and his eyebrows scrunched as he texted someone on his phone. His expensive suit failed to hide his muscularity. His whole existence screamed dominant power.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now