𝟣𝟩 | The Maid

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It's been a few days since Mr. LaRasso helped me with paying all the debts. I'd no idea how to repay his gratitude. Also he had been very kind and humble towards me since that day. Because he didn't leave me with any choice, I agreed with his deal and was still working as a maid in his mansion.

Putting on my nightdresses, I opened the drawer beside my bed. I sat on the side of my bed with a photo album in my hand. I didn't have a lot of photos. Just a few photos of my parents marriage and me with my mom.

The first page was my parents marriage picture. My mom looked very beautiful that day. She was smiling just at the thought that her life would be different and beautiful after marrying my father. My father was looking handsome too. I smiled as I trailed my finger over the picture of my parents both smiling at the camera. Our life could've been very different and happy.

I turned the other page of the album. I almost laughed at my picture which my mom clicked, where I was eating a cake my mom made like a zombie. I was probably five or six years old. We had an old camera with which mom used to capture our memories. In the next photo, I was on my mom's lap with my one finger in my mouth and my mom had her arms wrapped around my small body. She was smiling but that smile didn't reach up to her eyes. I brought the album closer to see the marks on her neck and arms. That was nothing new. Those marks never left her. She used to get beaten by my drunk father every second night while I used to hide myself under bed or in the bathroom and hear my mom begging for my father to stop.

Sighing, I turned another page to see my father's picture. He was alone in that photo as he was sitting on a chair in his room and talking to someone on the phone, not noticing I clicked the picture secretly. I always wanted my mom and dad to be together and happy. I wanted my parents to drop me at my school, but that never happened. My mom used to work in a nearby shop and pay for my tuition fees.

Our life would've been better if my father had not gambled.

I closed the album and put it inside the drawer before turning the lamp off. When I was about to put the duvet on me, I heard a loud noise. Frowning my eyebrows,I got off from the bed and walked towards the window before pushing the curtains at one side. I peeked to look out the window. I saw two huge trucks at the back of the mansion and a few men beside it,who I couldn't recognize because of darkness. I saw something shining from inside the truck before someone grabbed it and put it in a bag. I was getting curious every second to know what was going on. This mansion seemed always mysterious to me and seeing those trucks in the middle of the night didn't help this situation. I silently went downstairs and found the main door open. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me but when I found no one, I quickly made my way outside of the mansion and hide myself behind a huge tree. I could see the truck clearly with Marco and Giovanni standing beside it. They were talking to each other and the other men kept taking out the shiny stuff out of the truck before wrapping with something and putting it in a bag. I peeked more to see clearly but nothing more caught my eyes from this distance.

"Are you done?"

A cold intimidating voice from behind startled me as I flinched before turning around to see the blue pair of orbs staring intensely at me.

Mr. LaRasso stood there with his one hand in his pocket and the other one holding his phone,his eyes never leaving mine. My eyes travelled from his maddening dark blue eyes to his mascular chest. I could see his muscles bulging out of his black shirt.

"I believe I was loud enough,Bella," he said again in the same cold tone.

I quickly looked up to meet his dark eyes again. They were shining under the night sky. Those eyes didn't look anywhere else but my eyes.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now