𝟣𝟪 | The Maid

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"Good night Bella

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"Good night Bella. You sure you don't want me to do that?" Sara asked.

"I can do that. Don't worry. Go to bed," Bella smiled as she started to do her work again.

After cleaning the counter, Bella arranged the food on the tray. Lucifer wanted to have dinner in his room and because no one was allowed on that floor except for Sara and Bella, she decided to take the dinner to Mr. LaRasso.

Walking up the stairs carefully, Bella made her way towards his room. She never entered the room before and for some reason she became nervous before knocking the door slightly. She knocked the door and waited for his response which she never got. Waiting for a few more minutes, Bella turned the door knob and found it unlocked. She peeked her head into the room to see any sign of Mr. LaRasso but the room was dark except for the lamp was on beside the king sized bed.

She slowly pushed the door open and walked in. Walking towards the bedside table, she put the tray on it. She could hear the shower running which made her realise Mr. LaRasso was inside the bathroom. The whole room was filled with Mr. LaRasso's strong cologne which was striking. Bella blindly searched for the switch before turning on the lights.

Adjusting to the site of the room, her eyes widened at the beauty of it. The whole room had a dark aura. The room was much bigger than her room and held the site of authority,just like Mr. LaRasso. Everything in there was luxurious. It was truly a gigantic room with dark huge curtains that helped blocking out the sunlight. The king sized bed was against a huge wall which had two gigantic and gorgeous paintings behind it.

She found herself staring at those two paintings with amusement in her eyes. Words couldn't describe how beautiful they were. If she thought the paintings all around this mansion were beautiful, then these two were definitely the most beautiful ones she had ever seen.

"What are you doing here?"

A deep husky voice from behind made her flinch as she quickly turned around. Her breathe hitched in her throat as she saw the man standing in front of her. Mr. LaRasso just came out of the shower wrapping a white towel loosely around his waist that clearly showed his V-line and perfect abs. She gulped as her eyes travelled up and down his mascular glory. She could see the water still dropping from his wet hair and few drops over his perfect abs. Her eyes followed his movements in the room. She saw him showing his most beautiful yet devilish smirk when he caught her staring at him.

She quickly looked away feeling embarrassed of her stupid behavior. But it wasn't even her fault. She knew it was totally Mr. LaRasso's fault who stood there in just a towel with all his mascular glory looking like a Greek God,making it harder for her to look away.

"Do I look sexy?" His husky voice echoed in the room as she saw him smirking mischievously.

Letting out a sigh, she shook her head in exasperation and looked down.

The Maid (Corrupted Love #1) |✓Where stories live. Discover now