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Prompt: "Define normal"

"Are you sure we shouldn't wait until my sister and Stan get back?" Dipper asked as he held the bottom of a ladder as Bill Cipher his resident pain in the ass teetered atop it holding several boxes in his arms.

Bill tossed his blonde hair out of his eyes with a flick of his neck and looked down at Dipper, hurt written all over his face. "Why Pine Tree! You mean to tell me you don't trust me enough to help you restock?"

Dipper rolled his eyes as he propped his elbows on one of the ladder rungs as he watched Bill struggle to lift the boxes onto their designated places on the shelf.

"No, i don't trust you not to fall and kill yourself." He shot back sarcastically. 

Bill could practically hear Dipper rolling his eyes and he chose to ignore the bite that his words carried. He'd gotten used to Dipper's snarkiness over the time that he had known him and had learned to dole out his own choice of words when the need arose.

"Well i trust that you will catch me in your arms if that happens."

"I trust that you're not trusting me that much." Dipper couldn't help but smile at the fake hurt look Bill shot him as he finishes stacking the rest of the boxes. 

"Honestly Dipper you're just a buzzkill, here i am boldly risking my life for your stupid uncle's finances and you can't even pretend to be appreciative."

He rests an elbow on the shelf and cocks an eyebrow at Dipper. "It's sad."

Dipper gave the ladder a playful shake causing Bill to grasp the ledge for dear life. 

"Don't call me to help next time!" He snaps as Dipper releases it and laughs. 

"I didn't! You just showed up this morning!"

"Yes helpful aren't i?"

Bill hops down from the ladder the task at hand finished and brushes his hands off on his jeans. "There everything is all stocked and i believe i deserve a thank you for my efforts." He sticks his cheek out and taps it with a finger indicating what Dipper should do.

Dipper rolls his eyes and shoves past him going instead the counter to grab the broom. "In your dreams Bill."

"Oh you have no idea Pine Tree."

When Dipper exits the broom closet, Bill is seated on a stool examining his hand. "I cut myself while i was up there." He says calmly and Dipper rolls his eyes.

"You're gonna complain about a paper cut now?" He asks, his eyes on the floor as he sweeps.

"Little bigger than that." Bill turns his hand and there's a deep purple gash on his palm. A drop of blue leaks out and drips onto the floor.

"Holy fuck!" Dipper drops the broom and rushes over. "Bill are you okay?"

Bill shrugs. "I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt." The wound bubbles.

"Well is that normal!?" Dipper asks in near hysterics.

Bill squints at it. "Define normal."

There is a mad dash to get the first aid kit and then Dipper is wrapping Bill's hand tightly in gauze.

"How's it feel?" Dipper asks. The wound looks very much less scary now that it's not bleeding everywhere. 

"Fine." Bill answers and then he smiles. "But i think a kiss would make it all better."

Dipper crossed his arms and fixed the demon with a look. He had the appearance of a poor puppy dog, sitting rigid straight with his hands in his lap and smiling hopefully.

"You have been awfully nice today." Dipper tapped his chin acting like he was thinking it over before he held out his hands for Bill to place his own in to. 

Bill did so a little to eagerly and Dipper pressed a sweet kiss to the palm. "Satisfied?" He asked as Bill placed it back in his lap.

"Immensely." He beckoned to Dipper again. "But now i must thank you."

"For what?"

Bill gestured to his bandaged hand before reaching his hands out. "Now come here and let me."

Dipper's wary gaze didn't let up as he crossed the floor to the bench and turned his head to the side for a quick peck on the cheek.

Bill seemed to have other plans however and grabbed the sides of his face to kiss him full on the lips. It lasted for only a few seconds but it was enough for Dipper to push away.

"You asshole." He murmured as he could hear the front door unlock. "You did that on purpose!"

Bill shrugged but the playful glint in his eyes told Dipper the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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