1. You've Got Me Poppin' Champagne

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I lit up my cigarette and hit his number on speed dial. He was the only person who'd be able to help.

"Hello?" his deep voice echoed through the phone after a series of beeps.

"Rian, it's Eve. Can I borrow your car for about an hour?"

"My car? But Eve, you don't even have a license," he replied, worried. Typical Rian. "Where are you going? I'll drive you there."

"To the mall, I need to get some stuff. But I know you're busy, I'll just go on my own."

"What if they catch you?"

"I'll make sure your car's safe from the hands of the police. Don't worry, I've got it all under control."

"All right, come get it whenever then," he gave in.

"Thanks babe. See you soon."

I drove through the city blasting Sleeping With Sirens in Rian's convertible, not caring at all. This was one of the benefits in being best friends with a member of a world-famous band.

As soon as I arrived at the shopping mall, I walked to the music store on the top level, my black skinny jeans clinging to my skin with every step I took. I lit up another cigarette and walked in.

"Miss, you can't-" the security guard tried to tell me off for smoking in the store.

"I know, Joel," I replied, looking at his name tag. "I'll be two seconds."

I found the Punk/Hardcore section of the store, picked up the latest Warped Tour compilation, the new Pierce The Veil CD as well as All Time Low's, Rian's band, and a pair of black Skullcandy headphones on my way out. I put it all in my Ed Hardy tote bag, took off my flannel and covered my newly-obtained articles.

"They didn't have the newest The Maine CD," I told Joel to distract him from my overfilling tote and the cigarette still burning in my mouth.

"What a shame," he replied monotonously. "Have a nice day."

I unwrapped my new headphones, plugged them into my phone, and started playing King For A Day by Pierce The Veil.

'Three cheers for throwing up, pubescent drama queen,' I sang to myself as I walked - more like bounced - down the escalators to the liquor store below.

I heard the ever-so-familiar beep to inform the shopkeeper that someone had just entered the premises.

"Good afternoon ma'am, can I help you?" he said without looking up from his computer screen. 'Gamer kid,' I thought to myself.

"Uh, I'm just browsing," I said trying to sound obnoxious, just like my mother. I walked over to where the hard spirits were situated, picked up a couple bottles of Absolut and a miniature-sized bottle of Jack Daniels, and took the latter to the counter.

"Just this one today thank you," I said, sounding a lot like my mother.

"That will be nineteen eighty-five," Gamer-Boy said without looking up from his screen. I set a twenty on the counter and walked right out of the shop.

'Well wasn't that easy,' I thought as I drank the Jack all in one go.

I got into the car and promptly put my new CD in the speakers as I drove back to Rian's house.

Now, the real party was about to start.



As soon as Eve walked through my front door wearing her favourite combat boots, black skinnies and white Rolling Stones tank top, I knew she'd done something. I wasn't quite sure what, but I was about to find out.

"Hey," she said with a wild grin on her face, the type she only shows when she's recently been affected by an adrenaline rush.

"What did you do this time?" I asked, trying not to sound controlling.

"Nothing, Rian. I acquired a few CDs though," she replied. "And alcohol."

"You're only twenty, you have to stop drinking and partying this much," I protested, feeling like the big brother as per usual.

"But Riannnn," she whined.

"No buts, Eve. I worry about you."

"I can tell. Now can we open these bottles or what?"

"Hang on. How much did all that cost?" I asked.

"You know me better than to ask that," she rolled her eyes.

"Oh that's right, you're saving up for that tattoo you wanted."

"At least she's not asking you to pay for her," Alex said as he descended the staircases.

"My, my. If it isn't the frontman himself, Alexander Gaskarth," Eve said sarcastically.

"Hit the showers," Alex mumbled as he walked past Eve and slapped her in the ass.

"Anyone wanna watch Home Alone?" Jack yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes!" Eve and Zack said simultaneously.

I went upstairs and summoned Cassadee, my girlfriend, who was in the shower.

This was going to be a long night.



"Let's pop some bottles," Jack said, not lifting his eyes from the screen.

"I second that," Eve mumbled from the armchair, pulling 1.5 litres of Absolut vodka from her tote bag.

"How did you-" I asked, surprised. She simply shot me an evil smirk in return. "You are so sly."

"You are so easily impressed," she remarked modestly.

"Maybe I am," I retorted, raising an eyebrow.

We watched Jack's favorite movie, which soon became our only distraction from the unpleasant noises Rian and Cassadee made as they made out other than vodka.

"Rian please, it's a children's movie," Jack said at one point.

Once the movie finished, we all got back to doing our average normal activities - except with a slight plot twist: we were all considerably affected by the outrageous amounts of alcohol we had just consumed.

"Hey, Baratwat, what happened to that cake?" Eve asked Jack.

"FUCK, THE CAKE!" Jack screamed. They'd left it in the over for 3 times longer than they should, and it was completely burned.

"Nice one," I shook my head in laughter.

"For fuck's sake, I'll make my own food from now on," Eve protested and stormed into the kitchen.

And that was when I finally realised that Genevieve Amanda Myers drove me absolutely mad.

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