Chapter Four

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The syringe is pulled out from your arm, filled with the monthly sample of your blood.

"What are the chances of something coming up this time, Doctor Moon?" you ask with a hint of sarcasm, which the aged man plays along with.

"Just like all the other times, Princess, we can never be sure." he takes a cotton ball and tape to cover the small impale. "But let us not seek for an outcome, dear one."

As you are conversing in chitchat, Suho knocks on the door and enters the library. "Princess Jennie has arrived, Your Royal Highness." he informs you.

"I'll be out in a minute, Suho."

Doctor Moon zips his purse, stands on his wobbly knees and bows his goodbyes to you, "I will see you next month, Princess Roseanne."

You take his hand kindly and help the elderly doctor over to Suho's care. "Do stay well, Doctor Moon."

When Suho leaves to escort him out, Jisoo slips between the doors, flashing a gentle smile at the royal guard.

"You're taking bolder moves these days, Chu." you comment. There is no letting your friend's sly intentions of getting to know Suho go unappreciated. It is only about time that she is taking some initiative. As two years have gone by since Suho was entitled your royal guard, the two have remained strangers, only speaking of matters revolving the palace and yourself.

"I guess there is no harm in being friends." she sighs, stacking up some used books to be placed back in their shelves. Then, you notice her lips drop to a slight frown.

"What's wrong?"

She peeps at you. "You know what's wrong." she says, "or what may be wrong."

There is no harm in being friends, that is true. But developing an established friendship with someone you find potential in more than just platonic feelings for is dangerous. It is dangerous for Suho and Jisoo because similar to your hopeless romance, there are consequences.

"Are you saying that—"

"I don't..." she pauses, wrapping her head around the situation. "I don't know if what I feel is what I think it is, but he's really great, Rosie. It's only been two weeks of getting to know him personally, but it is as though I've known him for years- he has opened up to me and me to him."

"That really is great, Chu."

"But it's not right." she shakes her head and you know how torn she must be because Jisoo never sulks about anything, at least in front of you. "I mean, I don't know if he does or will ever feel the same way, but one of us is going to end up losing something."

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