Chapter Seventeen

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You opened the door when the King and Queen returned. They chose to respect their daughter's need for rest, and decided they would be heading back to the North before she woke. Her father would return in the morning to take her home.

As soon as they left, you laid beside Jennie and you stayed all day, through the night. Jisoo, and Lisa when she visited, were the only ones you allowed to enter. Them, and the nurse when she delivered Jennie's antibiotics.

You were in silence, unmoving despite when the sun was awake, because you wouldn't dare create a single ruckus to disturb Jennie's sleep. You just held her, gentle in your arms as she rested in your shelter. You didn't mind one bit, because you got to admire her natural beauty up close.

When the shadows of the room disappeared and dusk loomed, your sleepless eyes felt the effects of fatigue, but Jennie's feline ones had opened. Just in time for dinner to be brought up.

"King Mason might be looking for you." she said as you rested her tray of food on your lap, then setting your own on the bed in front of you.

"My father, looking for me?" you joked, but it planted a pout on her face. You kissed it away. "Never mind him, Jennie. I'm staying with you."

Her food was rather bland, as Doctor Moon had advised post-surgery. You felt guilty for having a flavorful meal piled on your plate, but she wanted you to fill your stomach more than anything. In fact, you wiped your tray clean before she could finish her mashed potatoes and bread.

"Here," she impaled her fork through a piece of cut mango on her side dish and held it up to your mouth.

"I'm stuffed, baby- you have it" you refused.

"I don't remember this being on the dietary list," she countered, "Come on, you love mangoes," she tittered and in truth, you love it so much that you couldn't refuse.

Once dinner had finished, you stood to set the trays out the door.

"Rosie," Jennie called your attention, confused as she looked at you up and down, "you haven't changed since last night?"

You shrugged in response.

"Have you slept?"

You shrugged again, a ribbed smile on your face, but she wasn't amused at this joke either.

"Shower" she stated.

"I'm clean- I've been beside you all day"

She crossed her arms and looked at you sternly, in no doubt that she wouldn't let you back on the bed without a cleanse, "Shower".

You made it quick. You were back in Jennie's bed in ten minutes time. She laughed at how wet your hair was when you returned.

It was dripping.

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