Chapter Nine

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   You didn't intend to skip breakfast, but still received the brunt of father's reprove. He couldn't accept that you had overslept and resorted to convincing himself that you were just trying to rebel for some pathetic reason. Had he realized he was the reason you were so downcast, too weary to wake up, he would have just greeted you a good morning and dismiss you from his office. But, you sat and endured a fifteen minute lecture about the additional burden he thinks he has to carry. That is, you being you.

When you were freed from the suffocation, you went down to the stables to catch up with Lisa. She had been spending an awful lot of time with Sehun that you hadn't had the chance to catch up after your fight.

"Hi, Rosie!" she exclaims, waving her long arms above her head as you walk down the hill. She ties Luca's reins to the rail and jogs over to you.

"Taking him out for a walk?" you ask, when she is close enough to hear you.

She wrings her arm around yours as you walk together. "I was, but he got a little too excited when the squirrels came out," she turns to you with a mischievous smirk, "just like I am to see my own little squirrel!" to your surprise, she drags you down with your locked arm and tackles you on the grass,

"Lis!" you scold, but can't contain the giggles that escape at her clinging affection. She holds your arms down and you two laugh at the messy hair. "I told you not to call me that."

"You must prefer chipmunk then"

"Why you little—"

"My little chipmunk Rosie!" she jumps off of you and bolts down the hill. You jolt up and run after her, riddled with laughter at the childish chase.

Lisa always has her ways of turning somber days upside down. She already did it just in the way she said hello. "First one to the white oak tree wins!" she yells, darting into the trail of the forrest.

The sudden drive to win boosts your speed and you're slamming your feet on the earth as hard as you can to catch up. The trees are blurred as you zoom in the forrest, your haste rustling the leaves and bushes. Lisa looks behind her and smirks at you, still keeping her momentum.

She's not far off and the competitive nature in you closes the gap at the sight of the tree just a few meters away.

You run faster. "Loser owes a favor!" you holler, overtaking her in your speed.

"What the—"

"Ha!" you slam your hand on the hard wooden oak and slow down on your feet.

"How did you—" Lisa stops beside you, bending over her hands and knees to catch her breath. "How did you do that?"

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