Chapter Nineteen

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   Coming out of an unmemorable dream, you rub your eyes open. The rest of your senses awake. You smell strawberry perfume, adjust sight to the shaded room, and let out a quiet groan to stretched limbs.

Jennie appears at the foot of the bed, "Sorry, Rosie, did I wake you?" she asks. You notice she's dressed and ready for the day. She's picked up her pajamas from the floor and she throws them in a basket.

"What time is it?" you husk out. You didn't realize you have overslept.

"Almost eight. I wanted you to get as much sleep as you could," she says, sitting beside you and kissing your forehead.

A slight frown forms on your face, "But I'd rather spend my time awake. With you."

"We still have plenty, love" she chuckles, brushing your hair with her fingertips. You sigh softly, relaxed by the way she does this. "And once you're ready, we can go on that adventure I promised you." she stands from the bed and puts away the clutter of the room. She looks energized, and strong. She really must be as recovered as she says she is.

Sitting up on the bed, you shiver to the cold air hitting your bare skin, as the sheets drape off your chest. You cross your arms over yourself and clench your muscles to shelter warmth.

Jennie is quick to wrap her jumper around you, "I warmed up the tub for you" she says, and the way she has all of her intentions set on making this day as enjoyable and memorable for the both of you, and even as early as now, has you grinning from ear to ear.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" you just have to say it again just in case.

She gives you a loving, kind kiss, "We leave in an hour" and she tosses your clothes to you from her desk chair, having already gone ahead of herself with fetching an outfit from your suitcase.

You spring from the bed and rush for the tub, "Make it half!" you rest your clothes on the counter "Quarter to an hour, tops!".

   You manage to dry and dress in even a matter of fifteen minutes, because the sooner you are ready, the sooner your ventures with Jennie begin. You brush your teeth, comb your hair, and straighten your coat.

"Ready!" you swing the door open.

"Mentor Chu on the phone" she holds it out to you. "I'll meet you downstairs, love" she gives you a peck before leaving you to the line.

"I see you've taken the time to finally call" and call as I'm amidst the crunch of time, how considerate.

"I believed had I not any longer, you would throw a fit" Jisoo remarks, and she's not wrong.

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