Chapter Twenty Two

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Yesterday was a day of redemption. The days you missed with Jennie were transported through time and salvaged between the sheets. Sewn in a sleeve of I love you's stitched over and over and crossed back to warm you all over. And in filling, heartfelt laughs and whispered endearment when the room fell quiet, you laid chest to chest with Jennie.

The miles that separated you from your heart's content have laid themselves down as stepping stones to your building of a kingdom where you will never have to be without Jennie.

A forever reminder that you never want to feel her absence again.

You make the most out of today with Jennie. With father meeting the counsel, you have not to rush out of bed to join him at the breakfast table. Had it been the case, you don't think you could anyway. You're feeling a little sore after last night's endeavors.

"You should really tell me if I'm being too rough" Jennie says, as she is always worried of hurting you on accident. She has been soothing your muscles with massaging hands in compensation for the throb between your legs.

But you are not hurt, you tell her. Far from it. "This is what six climaxes does, I suppose" you kid, placing a kiss on Jennie's shoulder.

"And what happened here?" she lifts your open palm marked in your nail-dug wounds from the other day.

"I was angry with Ms. Choi," you say honestly, "she had gone through my stuff. Saw your photograph and took the note of Jisoo's number from my drawer."

Jennie looks at the wounds closely, but you tell her they are nothing but superficial.

"Jennie, I don't know if she knows about us." this you say in truth too, even if the idea scares you. "I should have been more careful with the photo, I'm so sorry"

"Baby, you need to stop hurting yourself when you get angry." she says, face fallen serious and concerned. You do have a record of taking your frustrations out on your body. "No more staying up all night, no more starving yourself, no more this," she closes your palm and cups your cheek. "When you start to feel angry, you come to me." she says, and she insists you run to her when conflict rises until you finally say you will do exactly that.

Jennie smiles softly, and she wraps an arm around you to pull you in a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I've got something for you" she says, taking a single sheet off the bed and wrapping it around her as she walks to her suit coat on the floor. Her messy hair, bare face (bare everything), has and always will be your favorite part of the morning.

Jennie pulls out a bundle of photographs from the suit's inside pocket, and she shows them printed to you as the memories from your adventures in the North. They are vivid reminders of what you had seen, and what you had felt for every moment of it.

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