Chapter Eight

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   It's bittersweet. You never thought you would have to miss this. The minty fresh breeze at the crack of dawn, the sticky perspirations when the sun is scorching hot, the rope burns and the scratching leather to your calfs, the peachy good mornings from your coach, and the thrilling races with your best friend, not to mention your loyal stead.

You know this is something you won't give up forever, but your training days are officially over.

"I think our work here is done."

It has only been over five minutes and you're missing it badly. 

"All there is left to do is race for the Cup." Rufus clasps his hands together. He looks to his daughter beside him and they share a bittersweet grin. Then he gazes over Jennie beside you, stepping up to shake her hand in honor. "Thank you for trusting me with your last month of training, Jennie."

The brunette bows in respect to your coach with a look of contentment, "I learned many things from you in such a short time, Rufus, and I will always be thankful to have met you."

"Sehun," he extends his arm to the prim boy behind, "I'll certainly miss your helping hand."

And when Rufus faces you, you can't hide the pout that forms when he opens his arms wide for a hug.

"Roseanne, Roseanne, Roseanne" And tears sit at the brim of your eyes as he rubs your back to comfort. "I'm very proud of how far you've come.".

You thank Rufus countless times, one for every moment he treated you like his own daughter and you will thank him endlessly for being a father to you all these years. You would scream it out to all of Marcadia, but you're too choked up to speak above a whisper.

"Don't cry, Princess, it's not completely over yet" he says and you all erupt in a fit of giggles at the sappy exchange. You pull away and find you're not the only one teary.

"Come here, you idiot" you pull a red faced Lisa into an embrace. "This definitely doesn't mean I'm finished beating you."

"You're ruining the moment."

You squeeze hard and she squeezes you harder until you need to let go for a breath.

You turn to Jennie and you're aching to hug her too. You've been wanting to touch her since breakfast this morning, when all you two did was sit in silence and catch each other's stares. It is only the least of kinship with Jennie since your talk over dinner.

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