Chapter Twenty

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It seems as if your heart is in your head. Pounding and thudding in rapid beats to send the rush of hot blood coursing in your veins as a reminder that you are unbending in anger.

"Chip, calm down"

You slam your dresser shut and toss Lisa a coat, then shuffle to your drawers to grab a scarf. You wrap it around her.

"Rosie, wait a second" she says, trying to stop your haste in the midst of your flight for fight, but you will not spare another second not knowing where Jisoo is.

Your royal guard is still stagnant- meddled in disbelief and distress and rightfully so.

But "Come on, Suho" you take the telephone dangling from his hand and slam it on its dial— you need to find Jisoo.

Pulling his arm is of not much use to get his feet moving. "Suho, please" you tug his arm harder, and harder but Lisa wrings your hand off of him and she grips you by the shoulders—

"Stop it, Rosie." she says, firm in her own unyielding decision to keep you from leaving. Her eyes are saddened as if she is left with no choice.

"Where is she, Lisa?" you don't understand, on the verge of more tears because for every second she stops you from being angry, the desolation is what rises in your chest.

"I don't know" she exhales.

"Then move" you attempt to shove her away but she remains strong.

"All Jisoo told me before she left this morning was that she is to be with her parents for now— I don't know where, and I am truly sorry, Rosie, but she said not to go and find her."

Her words spike you in prickling insubordination, because all you are ever told is to do this, don't do that- keep your mouth shut and your head low- all in the matters that are held by the hands of the King. All in silencing obedience to remind you that you are just the Princess.

Lisa loosens her grasp as your breathing evens and thoughts evade your scattered mind, but as the reminders of every moment you have been degraded, looked down upon by your father and his counsel in the depths of your riddled patience, you stride past Lisa.

"Their estate must be close to town," you will not let Jisoo fall suit to your father's exile. "The school, perhaps- the academe, her parents must still be working there" it will be your first stop to bring her—

Lisa bangs the door closed and the wind knocks out of you when she shoves your back against it.

"She doesn't want to be found, Rosie" she says, loud and booming to get it through your head. "She's not coming back" that Jisoo does not want to. And Lisa hangs her head low, stammering over words as you try to wrap your head around the absurdity of your mentor's decisions. You are pinned to the door in growing helplessness because you just don't understand any of this. "Listen to me, Rosie" Lisa says, gutted and sad in the way she looks at you, "have you manage to bring Jisoo back, stand up against your father and change his god-forsaken judgements against her and Suho, are you serious to make her endure the pain that they still cannot be together?"

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