Chapter 14-discussing the wedding

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"Eli I think we should get married this year." Louis said to me. My eyes widened. Was this guy crazy or was it just me? "Im going on tour next year and it goes into 2015 as well. There will be no time for a wedding." he took my hands into his. I looked at him. "Eli I love you." I sighed "I love you too Louis but we can't do it this year." I said. "Do you realize how much we have to do to make this wedding happen already?" He pulled me into his chest. "Eli we can do this. We can." I looked up at him. "Fine." I gave in. "What month?" I asked. "You're letting me pick when?" I nodded and laughed. "Well im not gonna trust you with the centre pieces and stuff like that." He laughed. "How about July?" He asked. "Sounds great! What date?" I asked. "15th." He blurted out. "No because the kids need to be at school for there exams. I believe they finish on the 22nd." He nodded. "How about the 25th?" I smiled. "Sounds amazing. The 25th of July." I said.

"We gotta be good with the money so how many bridesmaid should I have?" I asked. "Well there's gotta be enough to team up with each of my guys so im having Stan as my best man and then he will team up with your maid of honor, so. Stan, Harry, Nialler, Liam, Zayn, josh. So six altogether." I nodded "okay so I will have, each of there girlfriends so Valeria, Miranda, Danielle, perrie, Layla, and I don't know who to have for my maid of honor." I said sadly. "Well you could have, Taylor swift, cause I know your close to her, or you could have Kendall." I nodded. "Im gonna say Taylor." He nodded. "So that's sorted." I nodded.

"Colours?" He asked. "Black and white?" I questioned. "It's up to you but I think you should have a little colour." I nodded in agreement. "Purple, blue or green?" I asked. "Purple, cause I know it's your fav colour." I nodded and smiled. "So that's done." I smiled. "Hey do you think we could have Daisy, Phoebe, Lottie and fizzy as the flower girls? I know Lottie and fizzy are getting old but it shouldn't matter right?" He nodded. "They will be absolutely thrilled." I nodded.



Boring ass chapter better one tomorrow I promise. Btw sorry there's no drama at the moment. There will be soon.





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