Chapter 30-whats wrong with eli?

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"Hey Lou, have you seen Niall?" I asked him. "Yeah he popped out to go get some beers." Louis observed my face carefully. "Hey everything alright?" He asked me. I nodded. Although he could quickly see through my lie. Louis scurried to his feet and stood right in front of me.

"Miranda whats really wrong?" He asked me. "Um well is everything okay with Eli. She hasn't seemed herself for the last couple of days." Louis sighed and sat down on the couch. I followed him and sat beside him.

"Honestly, I've even thinking the same thing. Maybe she just misses the rest of the girls?" Louis suggested. I shook my head. "That's not it. I know that's not it." I said shaking my head.

"Well honestly miranda, what else could it be?" I shrugged. "I don't know Louis but I know something's up. And honestly, I don't have such a good feeling about it."

Niall came through the door a few moments after I had finished speaking to Louis. I jumped to my feet and jumped onto Nialls back. "Hey babe. Everything alright?" He asked me laughing. I slid off his back and walked around to his face. "Niall do you know anything about whats going on with Eli?" I asked him as I played with my rings in my hands. "What do ya mean?" He asked. "Well she's just been acting strange lately. She's always looking behind her when we are out. It seems like she thinks someone is following her or something. I don't know Ni, she's just been acting odd." I explained as I helped Niall put the beer and some food away. "Have you spoken to Lou? He probably knows." I shook my head. "Already asked Lou. He knows nothing about whats going on. Honesty it's kind of scaring me Ni." He sighed and put his hands on my waist. "Im sure everything is perfectly fine." He said pulling me in for a kiss. As he kissed me, I couldn't help but think, what was Eli's problem?


"I love you soooo much Harry!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "I love you too!" Today we were leaving Ecuador to go back to London...or that's what I thought. Harry said he was going to take me on a little vacation. Im so excited. He won't tell me where he jut said that im gonna love it.


Harry and I alone together. Getting cosy by the fire place while we watch some random movie. Imagine his curls tickling my face and as I look up to him to say something he smashed his lips to mine.

Woah. Okay I need to stop daydreaming...


I sat on the couch with Eli watching Harry potter. Eli is absolutely addicted to these movies. She knows every word to each of the movies. We are watching the last one. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. And she's crying because Dobby died.

...really Eli? Really?

"Eli you do realise that Dobby is a fictional character so basically he didnt really die." I explained. Eli completely ignored my comment.

We were having a brother-sister day. I don't know why she chose today and not out scheduled Friday. Like Fridays are awesome it's been a tradition that we would have a brother-sister day on Fridays. I really have no idea why she decided to move it up.

"Hey li." Eli spoke up as she turned the television off. I turned to her and nodded showing my acknowledgement. "You know I love you right?" I nodded and laughed. "No don't laugh this is serious. I love you so much and im so thankful for everything you've done for me. I don't know how else to thank you. You honestly been the best brother in the world. And I couldn't ask for anyone or anything better. I really do love you bro. I don't think you understand how much I appreciate all the things you do for me. And I guess I just wanna day thanks." A huge grin appeared on my face. "That was so sweet el. I love you to." I said giving her a tight hug.

...but why did it seem like she was saying goodbye?


"Hey el can I come in?" I heard Miranda speak. "Yeah!" I called back. She slowly and cautiously opened my bedroom door. I placed down my phone and plastered a fake, but real looking smile on my face.

"Hey has everything been okay with you recently?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah totally why would you even ask anything like that." She shook her head vigorously. "Ahh im sorry im being stupid. I guess I just thought that something was up." I laughed. Fake. "No nothing's wrong babe." I lied. "You sure." She said watching my hands. "Positive." I lied once again.

She nodded and soon enough she was out of my door.


Something was definitely up with Eli.

I watched her as she started to fiddle with her fingers. That's how you know she's lying.

Eli blatantly lied to me in the face.

I will get to the bottom of this.


It killed me to know that I was just lying right to my best friends. It killed me to lie to my brother. It killed me to lie to my own husband. But this is for the best.

I had got many messages from Taylor recently.

Most threatening.

Some scary.

But I just needed to get over this. I wasn't allowing her to get the satisfaction.

She will not touch my boys or girls.


In the middle of the night I got up to grab a glass of water. I noticed Eli had left her phone on the counter.

I couldn't.

But this would help to find out whats going on with her. She's always got her face in her phone. Just one look.

No I couldn't.

Do it. The little devil said who sat upon my left shoulder.

Don't do it. The angel said who sat upon my right.

Well there could be some information here. I could finally see whats up with Eli.

I gasped as I read the texts.


So Taylor (evil bitch) wanted to meet up with her on Friday. That's in two days!

I've always heard about this Taylor character. She was the girl who was in therapy with Eli and Layla....clearly she needs more therapy. She was also the girl who made that big seen at Eli's engagement party if im right.

I guess there wouldn't be a problem if I followed her on Friday...would there?

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