Chapter 25-hen night

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---1week and a half later--


"Have a great night babe." Louis said kissing my cheek. "You too. Ill miss you." I said. "Hey just think. We will see each other in two days." I smiled. "I'll be the one in white." I said in a whisper. He smiled. "And ill be the one in a black tux waiting for my beautiful wife-to-be." I smiled. I felt a tear trickle down my face. "Don't cry baby girl. We will see each other in two days!" Louis said wiping a tear from my face. "But we are barely apart." I said whispering. "I love y-" he was cut off by Harry, and Zayn and Niall. "Hurry up mate! Liam's waiting in the car! Hurry up!" Zayn yelled. "No strippers!" I yelled as the pulled Louis out the door. "Can't promise anything!" Harry said as he kissed me on the cheek. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Just as I was about to shut the door the girls opened it. "You ready girl!?" Valeria and Miranda squealed. I groaned. "Guys im getting married in two days! Can I just please chill and relax?" I asked them. "Nope." All girls said in unison. "Come on el this is supposed to be fun. We need to decorate this place so go to your room until we bring you out." Swifty ordered. I nodded and ran off.

I sneakily texted Louis. I know im not allowed but whatever.

--text convo with Louis--

E-I miss youuuuu x

L-I miss you too! The boys have gone out to get stuff so im left alone :( x

E-the girls pushed me into the bedroom as they are 'setting up' x

L-not fun! :( I miss you and love you SO much! I don't get to see you until 10am in two days! :(x

E-waaaah too long away! And I love you way more. Xx

L-haha that's impossible. Gtg boys just come bk ttyl baby. X

---end of text convo---

"ELIZABETH GET YOUR SMELLY ARSE OUT O THAT ROOM AND INTO THIS ONE!" I heard dani yell. I laughed and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

"I have never!" Miranda screamed. I laughed. "Okay what alcohol?" I asked. "Vodka shots." I nodded. Gonna be some hardcore night.

"I have never been in love before." Danielle said and Swifty took her shot. "I have never given/and, or/ participated in oral." I burst out laughing. "Why ask these nasty questions?" "Because its Louis stag party and our party. Everything has to be wrong." Valeria said laughing. I rolled my eyes. "I have never kissed a girl." I took a shot. Everyone looked at me wide eyed. "I was drunk okay. I am not a lez! I swear." I said putting my hands up in surrender. They all burst out laughing.

**ding dong**

"COMING!" I screamed as I ran over to the door. I opened it and there were five police officers....shit.


"CHUG CHUG CHUG." Stan screamed. I felt the burning sensation of alcohol travel down my throat.

"Have you guys fucked yet?" Harry slurred. I laughed. "You're a nugget!" I said laughing. "We should go to the club!" Niall suggested. Harry was already drunk so why not?


"Uh im sorry sir? What happened?" I asked the officers. They all started to slowly walk in and look around. "Well people have reported a disturbance from this exact flat." He said in his thick cockney accent. He was really hot....oh my.

"Uh really? By who may I ask?" He smirked. "We can't release that information." The other man said in a thick Liverpudlian accent. "Is there anyone else in here with you?" The sexy cockney boy asked. Sexy? Ugh im getting married i two days. Think I've had a little to much to drink. "Yeah right this way." I said leading him to the living room, in which was decorated in pink and penises. Fuck. I didn't think of that. Trust 5 police officers to come on my hen party. (A/N hen is the same as a bachelorette party) I walked in ahead of them and all girls were smirking. "What?" I mouthed to Danielle. "Turn around." Taylor mouthed. My eyebrows buried in confusion. I pivoted around and saw the police officers with no shirt on. "Fuck. I told you bitches no strippers!" I yelled. "Oops?" Valeria said. "Sit down." The 'police officers' said in unison. "Oh fuck." I whispered.

"So which one of you lovely ladies are getting married?" The cockney boy said. Everyone pointed to me and I blushed.

Music started to play.






Im uploading later tooo!!! so this is just a quick one before I have a long car drive home lol.

As you guys can probably tell.....i have writers block!


Btw their will be alot of drama around chapter 29.


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